Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two of Pentacles

Keywords & Phrases:
Adaptability. Mobility. Expanding your horizons. Change. Travel. Play. Recreation. Steering through rough waters. Entanglement. Commerce. Fancy juggling. Quick footwork. Keeping two or more things happening at once. Balancing. Dexterity. Flexibility. Ability in dealing with material things. Adapting to relationship needs. Doing many things simultaneously. Dealing with several problems at once. Juggling with the options. Understanding change. The ups and downs of fortune. The need for flexibility. Balancing multiple obligations. Walking a tightrope. Pulled in many directions. Coping with the variations of daily life. A balancing act. Resources spread thin. Juggling many projects at once. Multiple responsibilities. Need to make a decision. Go with the flow. Coping with demands. Making sure all areas are covered. Embracing the challenge.

The easygoing juggler in the image reminds us of the infinite possibilities there are in life - choices, options, new developments, changing scenarios - and how important it is to stay flexible and open to change. This card also signifies that, to overcome any hurdles or problems, be ready to juggle with all of the options. Have fun and smile at life a little, and look for new ways to handle old situations. In adapting to the world around you, you will also create an effective way to achieve your current aims.

Think balance, adaptability, and equilibrium. You juggle and number of different projects and sources of income. This may entail working two jobs or handling full-time employment as you attend school. However, you don't feel overburdened because pleasure is inherent to your pursuits. You strike a balance, but you do it with the cheer and enthusiasm of a juggler in a vaudeville act. There's a hidden magic in the way you maintain your equilibrium. Avoid spreading yourself too thin. If necessary, narrow your choices to maintain a balanced disposition. Your versatility is your greatest strength.

The Two of Pentacles is an atypical card in its air of fun and whimsy. It advises us to be flexible and adaptive so that we can keep things in balance, but it also seems to say, "Have some fun while you're at it". This card indicates juggling various projects or tasks, perhaps saying that we have a lot going on but we will be able to handle it all if we maintain our balance. Balance your needs against those of other people.

You are trying to juggle several tasks at the same time. You need to schedule your time wisely. You need to make a decision that will ease the tension in your life. Now is a time to be adaptable and "go with the flow". Your skill at handling multiple obligations will lead to success.

What two or more situations are you handling with ease? What are you adapting to? What are you juggling in order to keep stable? In what ways do you play and use your excess energies? What calls for diplomacy? How do you adapt to change? Am I balancing work and play?

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