Saturday, April 9, 2011

Two of Cups

Keywords & Phrases:
Relationship. Connection. Partnership. Attraction. Moving toward another. Sexual attraction. Romantic love. Establishing a bond. Mutual understanding. Harmony and cooperation. Reconciliation and forgiveness. Affinity. Love. Agreement. Promises. Mutuality. A happy union. Sharing. Warmth. A balanced partnership. Mutual exchange. Balanced give and take. Cooperation. Reciprocity. Kindness. Understanding. Emotional equilibrium. Finding common ground. A loving and healing union of opposites. Power of love. Spiritualization of the passions. Reciprocal respect and benefit. Transcending differences. Meeting someone halfway.

The Two of Cups can suggest a marriage, or a marriage of the minds, or the alchemical energy of merging and blending to turn lead into gold. But you can only do so if you do not try to have power over the other.

Partnership of all kinds and marriage in particular are inherent in this card. Emotional balance and cordial personal encounters are hallmarks of this two. You accept with equanimity whatever life brings. Friendship ad companionship are highlighted. By uniting with another, you accomplish more than either of you could achieve alone.

Two diverse and yet complimentary figures are joined together by a toast: a pact. We are in the field of feelings, with a promise of friendship, of love or even only of affinity: to connect a fragment of oneself with another person.

The image on the Two of Cups indicates a personal union, the bonding of two people. It may signify making an emotional connection with someone, acknowledging such an attraction, or renewing an old relationship. Also, this card may depict the healing power of love, and so it can be about making peace with someone or discovering that our relationships can heal our wounds.

The Two of Cups shows the beauty and power that is created when two come together. Whenever two forces are drawn together, there is the potential for bonding. This card can stand for the union of any two entities - people, groups, ideas, or talents. In readings, the Two of Cups tells you to look for connections in your life, especially those that are one-on-one. Now is not the time to separate or stay apart.

Finally together, my beloved. Your embrace warms me, comforts me, sustains me and fortifies me. I am Psyche, Greek goddess of romantic love.

Love, romance, candles and wine. There is nothing like it while it burns to light the darkness, fill the world with beauty, and heal all manner of ills.

How do I benefit from cooperation with others? To whom are you giving your love and affections? How do you nurture others? What is being healed in your relationship? How are your inner feminine and masculine uniting and working together in your life? What are you lovingly sharing with another?

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