Monday, April 11, 2011

Ten of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Breaking up. Destruction. Endings. Enlightenment. Turning point. Exaggerated self-pity. Feeling life is against you. Playing the victim. Cutting through illusions. An irrevocable ending. The end of a cycle. Defeat. A forced change. The death of a matter. Death of an illusion. Time to let go. Negative thinking. Loss. Hitting bottom. Hardship. The only way is up. Paralysis. The end of a problem, defense, ego hang-up, hostility. Letting go. Death of the old way of thinking. Release. Relief. New dawn.

Always a rather alarming card to draw in a layout, the Ten of Swords isn't as bad as it looks. There are differing interpretations of the Ten of Swords, because it is one of the most powerful and complex cards in the deck. Like all tens, this card indicates the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. But before you can embark on a new journey, you must liberate yourself from old patterns of behavior, drop emotional baggage and say goodbye  to the "old you". It's time to declutter your life. In this sense the Ten of Swords represents enlightenment; it is timely now to accept your illusions for what they are. Even if you're feeling disillusioned, this can only lead  to a new self-awareness. Right now you must look forward and put the past behind you.

You're facing forced change and the final resolution of a situation or the dramatic end of a cycle. You must give up on a lost cause and get on with the true purpose of your life. Ultimately, you feel relieved, accept the inevitable, and move on. You've experienced disaster and survived: there's little left in life for you to fear.

For obvious reasons, this is one of the least popular cards in the tarot deck. It often is interpreted as meaning failure and defeat, with connotations ranging from plans going awry to being stabbed in the back. But if this card indicates hitting an all-time low, the good news is that things have gotten just about as bad as they can get, and things are finally going to start getting better.

Considering the mental aspects of the suit of Swords, this card also can mean that we have analyzed something to death, sucking all the joy and excitement out of it. Also, when we overanalyze something, we may come to confuse our thoughts about it with the thing itself, effectively destroying it by replacing it with our concept of it.

You have hit bottom. Your plans are not working out. You have reached the outer limits. A situation or relationship is coming to its irrevocable end, and you may be feeling on the threshold of depression because of your loss. You have done all you can and it is time to make a definite break or suffer the consequences. This ending is accompanied by a deep sense of loss and sadness. You may be feeling emotionally cut off. You must let go to make way to the future.

I am the innocent victim of a cruel curse. I am alone, afraid, and desperate in this gloomy forest. Who knows what will be of me... I am Sakuntala, the unlucky Indian nymph.

Even when all appears to be lost, we must remember that everything comes to an end and no enemy is invincible.

Even as you mourn a great loss, you see the beauty, the continuity within it. The sadness, the darkness, transforms you and you move through it, gracefully toward a new day.

What must I accept? What can I change? Do I know the difference between the two? In what way are you feeling paralyzed or unable to act? Where do you feel that you have no choice? What are you being forced to accept? What is being sacrificed? What problem can you let go of? By accepting defeat, what are you now free to do?

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