Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Four of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Repose. Temporary retreat. Contemplation. Truce. Inner fears. Emotional ghosts from the past. Making time for yourself to be alone. Finding your own space. Relaxing and taking it easy. Standing back and reviewing the situation. Preparing for the future. Taking stock of your objections. Slowing down. Respite. Recharging your batteries. The need for rest and relaxation. A slow period. Recuperation. Recovery. Regrouping. Inactivity. A welcome break. A needed holiday. Solitude. Meditation. Introspection. Contemplation. Reevaluation. Getting away from it all. Need for healing. A problem or dilemma being worked on. Illness. Retreat. Rest and recovery. Taking time out. Under pressure. Respite from stress. Organizing thoughts. Prioritizing.

The Four of Swords has two distinct interpretations: first, that our own past presents us from moving on. We feel stuck, paralyzed by our fears and self-doubt generated by failures, pains, disappointments, or betrayals of the past. It is important to look at these fears in the cold light of day and they will soon disappear. The second interpretation is that confrontation with others is not appropriate right now. Instead of rushing in to make a decision or forcing an issue, stand back, retreat, find time to think things through or contemplate the true nature of your current situation.

Your strength is exhausted and circumstances conspire to force you to slow down or temporarily drop out and rest. For now you're stuck in neutral. This break in your activities is long overdue; use it to revitalize yourself. Take a vacation, go on a retreat, or just relax and get in touch with your inner self. Put all your concerns to one side and take time out. You'll emerge renewed and refreshed.

Feeling stressed out? A temporary truce is in order. Now is the time to take a break and rest after a period of struggle or conflict. You need a period of renewal to calm your mind and rejuvenate your body. Now is a time to relax and regroup your forces. Obtaining distance from your daily routine will help put matters in perspective.

There is a very serene quality to this card, implying meanings like rest, recuperation, retreat, meditation, introspection, and contemplation. It may advise withdrawing in order to gather up resources before returning to our quest or conflict, such as the quiet, focused concentration of an athlete prior to a competition. The swords in this image that are set aside may indicate the setting aside of conflict.

Everywhere, troubles of every sort surround and follow you. There is only one sensible course of action. Find a peaceful spot and give yourself over to it. Rest and ground yourself. Then deal with all of the problems.

Solitude is sweet only when it is not accompanied by remorse, regrets, and sacrifices. Mine is a bitter solitude. My name is Chang-O and I am a Chinese goddess.

From what do you need to rest or retreat? Where do you need to focus your energies in order to recuperate your strength? What do you need to do to gain a better perspective and to be fair and just in the situation? What kind of professional assistance would help most?

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