Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Knight of Cups

Keywords & Phrases:
Idealization. Emotional sensitivity. In love with love. Invitations to love. Romantic overflow. Being temperamental. Knight in shining armor. Emotional rescue. Dashing off to rescue someone. Exaggeration of feeling. Loves beauty but hates imperfection. Imaginative but unrealistic. Gushing sentiments. New relationships. Artistic talent. An important event related to relationships and emotional concerns. New experiences. A social invitation. Imagination. Intuition. Kindness. Empathy. Following your dream. Rose-colored glasses. Moodiness. Utopian idealism. To dream the impossible dream. Follow your bliss.

Whether you are the "knight in shining armor" yourself or the victim who needs to be rescued, you should check that your intentions, well-meaning or welcoming, are not an illusion. This card often turns up in a layout when we are not being honest about our feelings. Genuine self-questioning is always necessary with all of the Knight cards because they represent the extremes of their suit's energy.

He is part Don Quixote, a troubadour who brings social activities, romance, excitement and travel into your life. His charm is his greatest asset and his most powerful weapon. With it, he wins over his adversaries, converts people to his way of thinking, and moves through life with the grace of a fish. This knight's focus is on emotion and on the creativity that flows from it. He is usually warmhearted and communicative, but sometimes he's so caught up in his own head he seems evasive, too self-contained. If you annoy him, he won't tell you off; he'll simply tune you out.

A new kind of experience moves into your life. It buoys your spirits, stirs your compassion, and changes your beliefs about what is possible. This knight symbolizes the path with heart. Your tensions and loneliness ease as your emotions find an equilibrium that has been absent in recent months. You delve into your deepest beliefs and emotions and reach an understanding about how they create what you experience.

The Fey knight who rises from the sea finds himself on the boundaries of pure sentiment and his strong natural aggression. For this reason he debates between the chalice and the sword. He can choose whether to deceive and receive love without giving it in exchange, playing a game with emotions without participating, or else he can choose to risk and become involved, renouncing his strength and all his advantages.

The Knight of Cups is a visionary. Being a Knight, however, he tends to be active and unpredictable, and because this is a Cups card, his volatility is typically in the domain of his emotions. He also acts upon his intuition and gut feelings. Thus, he can be romantic and sensitive, but he may be temperamental and moody as well. Among this Knight's better qualities is his serenity. He is apt to stop and reflect upon his feelings, and reevaluate and reintegrate them before moving on.

Pause to reflect on your vision for your life and where it is taking you. Then act upon the intuitive wisdom of your heart.

I am always traveling and I bring messages of peace, love, harmony, and progress to the entire world. I am Epona, Celtic goddess of horses and herds.

There is something brave and beautiful about rushing headlong into love, about giving all of yourself with your whole heart. Brave and beautiful, but not without its risks.

What dream, vision, ideal, or love are you following? Who is inviting you on a journey of emotional significance?

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