Friday, April 1, 2011


Keywords & Phrases:
Strength. Courage. Self-awareness. Compassion. Facing reality. Taking control of your life. Learning to take responsibility for your actions. Ability to forgive imperfection. Being tolerant of others' faults. Inner strength. Awareness of your instinctive responses. Moral force. Self-confidence. The power of conviction. Patience. Wisdom. Gentle force. Ability to overcome problems through willpower. Self-discipline. Faith in your abilities. Heroism. Protection. Energy. Vitality. Good health. Empowerment. Self-reliance. Gentleness. Endurance. Tact. Diplomacy. Love as a source of strength. Strength to endure despite all obstacles. The drive or will to survive. Love for what you do. Lust for life. An abundance of vital energy. Fortitude. Know thyself. The triumph of good over bad, justice over falsehood, reason against brutality, laughter against silence.

If other people are driving you mad, don't forget that it's your compassion, your ability to see both sides of the argument, which will get you results. Most of all, understanding your own underlying motives and emotional responses will get you through any current difficulties.

The rulership implied in this card is one of self-dominion and implicit trust in your own abilities. A strong person doesn't need to exercise control over others. This strength comes from within and is based on wisdom, knowledge, and the belief you have in yourself. Strength implies a balance between the spiritual and material, and a harmony between opposing forces. Instead of fighting the beast, you tame it within yourself.

You have the innate ability to deal with whatever life brings. Draw on your enormous energy to break through and overcome obstacles. You seize control of your own destiny and move forward with your plans. By cultivating inner fortitude, you attract the contacts and opportunities you need. Willpower and determination conquer obstacles.

You will need to rely on inner strength, patience, and gentleness to solve your problems. Now is a time to have faith in yourself. Your position is strong and you are able to confront someone who has been pushing you around. You can channel your animal passions constructively to achieve good health and success. A tactful, diplomatic approach leads to success.

The strength indicated by this card is an inner one, such as fortitude, courage,  patience, integrity, compassion, resolve, generosity, understanding, and composure. This card indicates compassionate self-examination in order to achieve self-awareness. It says that when we are confronted with aspects of ourselves that we fear, we would do well to accept them and tame them. However, the intent should not be to control them, but to guide them and channel them into productive avenues. As long as we fail to acknowledge their presence, though, we risk being mauled by them.

Strength exists in a tender caress given in open vulnerability. Strength looks with love into the eyes of what she fears, knowing that it is the way to find her true self.

There are no enemies, only lovers yet unknown. We can react to fear by opening our heart. The force of the spirit can win out over arrogance and tyranny.

Intelligence, self-confidence, discipline and self-control can be more powerful than the venom of a snake. I am Ishtar, Assyrian goddess.

The Fey who makes a display of strength will be neither great nor powerful, because true strength is not shown off. Strength hides from eyes and laughs, while standing up to enemies and subduing them. There are no secrets behind strength, as it is clear like a mountain stream and raging like a rocky waterfall. And yet, even though there is much strength in those hands, they would count for nothing if the arms and fingers did not also know how to be gentle. There are many things to deal with, some insidious, but many great, terrifying and powerful. There is always a need for strength.

Strength also means an outlet for joy and energy from apathy and from the silence of weariness. It means finding lost things and never giving up. It means trusting in good and in oneself. Above all, it means courage and trust.

How strong is your love? How are you being called upon to show courage and perseverance? What do you desire to create? What inner passions need to be expressed and reconciled? What is the "natural" or instinctive thing to do? Where can I be more compassionate? In what ways can I make my animal nature a peaceful companion?

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