Friday, April 8, 2011

Page of Pentacles

Keywords & Phrases:
Practical approach. Realistic aims. Concentrated efforts. Focus. Progress. New projects. Setting the wheels in motion. Looking for a window of opportunity. Know your limitations. Wanting to be prosperous. Financial messenger. Diligent worker. Application. Study. Knowledge. Inquiring spirit. Education. A written message. Willingness to learn. Slow and steady progress. Patience. Persistence. Realism. Kindness. Determination. Respect for material things. Love of nature. Educational opportunities. Eagerness for learning. The beginnings of a solid foundation. Open-mindedness. Seeking knowledge, experience, and new skills. Vision quest. Seeks guidance from the earth.

The Page of Pentacles signifies that it is time to get practical or to progress with realistic aims and get involved in a new project. It is not so much simply looking at what you've achieved so far, but looking at the future to see what more you can accomplish. There is a window of opportunity out there, but you have got to look for it. Whether it is literally a new career or enterprise, or a chance for greater clarity within a relationship, this card has a "let's go on with the job" feel about it.

The Page can also represent someone you know: a reliable worker, an organized friend, someone who knows how to turn vision into reality. This person may have something useful to tell you, or they may simply symbolize a part of yourself that you haven't yet expressed or acknowledged. Ask yourself if you know your limitations; can you go further; how practical are you when it comes to working to have an effect on someone or something? Can you identify with planning and progress, focus and results?

The Page is the student/apprentice of the tarot. He signifies the type of enthusiasm and wonder that young children bring to new projects. Totally fascinated with his studies, he makes little distinction between work and play. Think of him as the equivalent of the computer nerd who is completely immersed in his virtual world. Like the Fool, the page of pentacles is a perpetual beginner. Life is seen as a continual rite of initiation.

Practical idealism, finances, and education are primary in your life right now. Your enthusiasm infects others and carries you in to a state of mind where work and play become interchangeable.

This card indicates exploration of spaces and places, rather than introspection or soul-searching. Restlessness is a characteristic of youth and also of the suit of Pentacles, and is transmitted by this errant motion and in this continual quest for answers about one thing or another.

Your thoroughness, practicality, and hard work will pay off. From small beginnings, progress will be slow but sure. You may receive a letter or a note that will affect the course of events. Pentacles indicate a need to care for physical and material needs.

The moment you realize that you can create something or make something happen is magical and empowering. Suddenly a whole new world full of possibilities opens up.

At times we must trust our instincts when they lead us to believe in those closest to us.

Prudence and wisdom, attention and conscientiousness guard with me the precious treasure of Frigg, my queen. My name is Fulla and I am a Scandinavian goddess.

What are my instincts trying to tell me? What new information am I gathering? What new possibilities do you contain within yourself? Are you listening to the earth?

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