Friday, April 22, 2011

Ten of Wands

Keywords & Phrases:
Heavy burden. Overload. Uphill struggle. Taking on too much responsibility. Being too willing to please. Overextending yourself. Believing there is always a price to pay. Resigned to being a workhorse. Feeling accountable. Struggling with your workload. Blocked thinking. A heavy weight. The fruit of one's labor. The weight of ambition. The burden of success. Work-related stress. Weighty responsibilities. Determination. Inability to delegate. Taking full responsibility. Buried in work. Pressure. Hard work. A demanding project. Heavy responsibilities. Striving for success. All work, no play. Biting off more than you can chew. Information overload. Creative blocks. Home stretch.

Whenever this card appears in a layout, it indicates that you have some kind of burden which you are carrying. Before you immediately put your finger on the cause - too much work, too much duty, too much anything - think about whether your perception of life is in need of a revamp. It is possible that you are so wrapped up in the normal "burdens" of life that you have no direction, no current goal, or just can't see where you're going.

This card signifies that it is time to lighten the load. To drop some of your tasks, delegate, cut back and take time out for pleasure and play. This card asks you to expand your awareness, and to see the value of other viewpoints or that letting go of the huge burden you've created for yourself won't mean you give up on yourself.

This is the card of the workaholic - and of the individual on a mission. You've assumed so much responsibility you feel burdened. You probably don't want to delegate because you believe the old age, "If you want something done right, do it yourself". However, you refuse to let your real or imagined responsibilities overshadow the joy of living.

This card has a double meaning. On the one hand, it is a card of richness and abundance, linked to its actual value, but also to good luck. On the other hand, the weight this fortune brings cannot be denied, and the limits of strength needed to sustain it. Perhaps this is because beautiful things cost effort.

You are struggling now to shoulder your load and meet your many commitments and responsibilities. You may have taken on too many responsibilities and are carrying a heavy load. You are in the final stretch and are wondering if you have enough energy to make it past the goal line. Despite the oppressiveness of your burden, you do have enough energy to complete the task.

Your ambition to succeed and receive acclaim drives you onward. You must, however, realize that you cannot do everything. Learn to delegate responsibility and do not take on more than you can handle. Otherwise, some of your plans will not proceed to completion. You need to develop a better appreciation of your limits.

Although greatly burdened, the man depicted in the Ten of Wands card struggles on. This card may be asking if we are overextended or pushing ourselves too hard, in which case we may need to lighten the load for the sake of our health and well-being.

The accumulated responsibilities you have taken on can hold you down and keep you from doing what you want or need to do. Prioritize your life. Concentrate on what is truly important, and discard the rest - at least for now.

It is hard enough to keep track of your own actions and their consequences. Trying to control or manipulate everyone around you is sheer madness. You just need to worry about you.

Before I was a goddess, I was a warrior. I was defeated and my strength is disappearing. I close my eyes, I let myself go and fly through the sky. I am Caenis, divinity of Greece.

What responsibilities are weighing heavily on your shoulders? What are you feeling burdened with? What is your goal? When will you get there? Who (or what) is restricting you and keeping you from manifesting your full radiant energy? Why have you taken on these responsibilities? How can you best use your powers and energies?

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