Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Hanged Man

Keywords & Phrases:
Transition. Readjustment. Limbo. Paradox. Sacrifice may be necessary. Bored with life. Anticipation of progress. Stasis. Seeing life from a different angle. Changing priorities. Relinquishing control. Taking a step back to move forward. Suspension. A new perspective. Reversal. Slowed action. Taking your time. A testing period. A lesson to be learned. Cosmic consciousness. Enlightenment. A unique viewpoint. A new angle. Dancing to a different drummer. Spiritual attunement. Selflessness. Sacrifice. Commitment. Dedication. Flexibility. Adaptability. Daring to be different. Breaking with the past. Readjustment. An apparent standstill. Reflection. Higher wisdom. Higher wisdom. Listening to your inner self. Unconventional behavior. Contradictions. Suspending disbelief. A rite of passage.

One of the most mysterious cards in the tarot; the Hanged Man is paradoxical, mysterious, and imbued with the frustration of trying to solve a cryptic crossword. The simplest of interpretations are given first, followed by the more compelling but enriching paradox of this enigmatic card.

This card means you are at a crossroads and may have to stand back and look carefully at all the issues involved; or it may mean that you simply get out of a rut. You are in limbo about what you want to do next, or are going through a cease-fire.

The complexity of the Hanged Man invites you to do exactly the opposite of what you think is right to do, and thereby gain results. The more you want something, the more you have to give up on the wanting and then it will happen. The paradox is that as soon as you make these contradictory moves, you find what you are actually seeking.

Finally, the Hanged Man says that it is time to get go of emotional baggage, and that you will soon be released from any pain or emotional hurt because you are opening your mind to living for the moment, not for the past.

Think transition, postponed plans, a life in suspension, stagnation, and frustration. You need to do a 180 in how you perceive something. After all, a person hanging upside down doesn't see the world in the same way as someone standing on the ground.

This marks the point in the Fool's journey when he begins to question the deeper meaning and purpose of his life. The old beliefs and ideas have lost their meaning and no longer satisfy him, but he is confused about his new direction. The Hanged Man is the nonconformist of the Major Arcana. Unresponsive to anyone else's opinion, he goes his own way and does what he thinks is best.

Adjust your point of view, reverse your established order of doing things. The decision you're waiting for is delayed. Make an effort to avoid victim consciousness; this standstill isn't permanent. You're stuck in a rut because of rigid ideas and fixed concepts. If no one seems to agree with you, it may be because others have moved on and you have not. Release ideas and associations that are obsolete. Turn your life around by letting go of negative beliefs.

When two worlds are turned upside down, one within the other, when what appears strange becomes normal and what was normal becomes strange. This is the fey of the Hanged Man, the fey of the upside down.

It is not easy to immerse oneself in the depths, holding one's breath for the sufficient time. Yet it is the only way to enter intro contact with another realty, to understand different languages and forms. The hanged man, without renouncing his own world and identity, has dived into another world, with the intention of understanding and discovering. Just like that, with his head down, he is a bridge, a link between the two worlds.

And what he discovers is not so strange. The fish are not enemies or indifferent, and they look at him, also curious and friendly. Although it is difficult to hold his breath, he has discovered, in the eyes of a much feared enemy, the same look of understanding and friendship.

Now is a time to pause and suspend activity. You need to reevaluate your attitudes, goals, and priorities while remaining true to your spiritual values. Time appears to be moving slowly and you may feel like you are in a state of suspended animation. This is a testing period and there is a lesson to be learned. You are in the middle of a major transition and feel caught between the old and the new. You are capable of unselfish dedication to a significant project or ambition. Yours is a unique perspective that others may not appreciate or understand.

Hanging by his foot (versus his neck), and having a serene countenance and a glowing halo, the Hanged Man is a symbol of willing self-sacrifice in order to attain something of greater value. The Hanged Man seeks to attain understanding, spiritual enlightenment, or the good of others. While the Hermit searches for spiritual growth by retreating from society, the Hanged Man does so by withdrawing from activity, and so this card can suggest meditation. It also may indicate redemption or atonement through sacrifice and suffering, or transcending the self-centered dictates of the ego.

Your hectic pace has kept you from examining deeper aspects of your life. Stop what you are doing long enough to quietly ponder your course of action and consider it from a new perspective.

The wait of nine days and nine nights are the keys that open the doors of knowledge and wisdom. I am Frigg, Scandinavian goddess, wise of Odin.

The Hanged Man tries to possess beauty and truth. Only after he is himself transformed does he know that you cannot possess truth and beauty; you must become them.

What do you expect from the sacrifices you are making? What are you devoted to? How are you hung up? What do you need to get straight? What do you need to give up? What are you trying to escape? How are you seeking higher knowledge?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

King of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Articulate. Direct. Just. Assertive. Analytical. Actively gets to grips with the situation. Objective outlook on life. Has high standards. Fair judgment. Patriarchal values. Capable and prudent. Intellectually adept. Strength. Decision. Power. Authoritative spirit. Command. Cool rationality. Sound advice. Truth. Control. Balanced judgment. Intelligence. An analytical mind. Professionalism. A fair decision. Self-assertion. Drive. Repartee. Objectivity. Rationality. Equality. Justice. Law and order. Expertise. Conviction. Good council. Logic. More head than heart. Established thought. The ability to communicate and be analytical. Sharp and quick.

This King seems sure of himself. He has knowledge and intellect as his armory. He is highly principled. The King of Swords represents the most powerful energy of this suit, that of using the mind to solve problems, to cut through mental confusion and challenge others with ideas. The King of Swords reminds you that intellectual reasoning is as important in your life right now as your feelings. Synthesize any emotional sensitivity with your current ability to articulate and analyze a situation.

You've put on notice that it may be time to cut away from old ideas and beliefs that have outlived their purpose. However, be fair and logical when making decisions that affect other people. Your sharp intellect cuts to the heart of any matter.

The possibility of choice brings with it great responsibility. We need to bear in mind the consequences of all actions and realize that these affect others, not just ourselves. Others that we do not know, who are far away, but often others whom we love or who are connected to us. This is a heavy burden as there is never a perfect or right choice, but only the choice that we make, full of it all its consequences. A perfect choice does not exist, but we must choose nonetheless.

A decision you have been awaiting will be fair and impartial. An intelligent professional may provide you with sound advice. You are capable of much originality now. You desire to break the mold and free yourself from the restrictions of conventionality. You need to consider whether you are out of touch with your feelings.

The King of Swords is a wise, tough-minded intellectual who thinks truthfully and acts with deliberation. Unfortunately, he may be unable to believe that he could ever be wrong. Being cool and logical, he generally makes fair decisions and renders wise judgments, but he risks being harsh and judgmental. He wields authority, seeking to maintain law and order, and to uphold societal values. Sometimes, however, he loses sight of the spirit of the law in his zeal for upholding the letter of the law.

Logic is a very good thing. However, it may not always be as rigid and as narrow as you'd think. A good mind is flexible, and can bend with the winds of time and react well to whatever comes its way.

I am Coatlique, the Aztec lady of snakes. Honor and respect my will and you will be my most beloved subject. Offend me and disobey and you will be my worst enemy.

Who is laying down the law? How are you using your ability to be rational, logical, and analytical? Who is judging or criticizing you?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Three of Pentacles

Keywords & Phrases:
Skill. Cooperation. Planning. Professional growth. Material gain.  Proving yourself. A competent strategy. Being aware of your potential. Getting together with others. Team spirit. Recognition of skill. Being obsessed with detail. Too dependent on others' opinions. A job well done. Beneficial use of talents. Early stages of accomplishment. First rewards. Employment. Work involving status. Superior ability. Professional growth. Competence. Craftsmanship. High standards. Expertise. Doing a job the right way. Success through skill. Diligence. Attention to detail. Progress. New learning. Working with others. Creative skills and abilities. Practicality. Teamwork. Building. Renovation. Making a presentation. Evaluation and criticism.

On the surface, this card seems to signify great success that comes with planning and teamwork. What would we do without the confidence of others? How could we create a masterpiece if it weren't for careful planning and competent colleagues or friends for support? The positive side of this particular 'coin' - or pentacle - is that if you combine your efforts with others, success will be assured. Good organization and following the instructions to the letter will prove to be the best way forward. It is your skill, competence, and professional growth that is in focus.

However, this card can also indicate that it is up to you to be engaged in a project or process that you are totally passionate about, where there is no ambiguity or ambivalence, and where you can do your own thing without becoming a mere spoke in the wheel. The latter won't be enough to satisfy you.

As a journeyman or master builder, you've reached the end of your educational or developmental phase. You've passed the necessary tests and have earned your degree, license, or title. While the Eight of Pentacles typifies the apprentice, the three symbolizes someone who is a virtuoso in his or her field. Your expertise in the area for which you are qualified garners monetary rewards and public recognition.

You're entering into new realms of experience in your chosen career. This is a step up, not a change of course. It's what you have been working toward. When you're called upon to present evidence of your craftsmanship, skill, and knowledge, you respond brilliantly and are recognized publicly. You use your skills and abilities to create something beautiful and enduring.

The Three of Pentacles is a card of development occurring on the physical plane. The situation could involve your money, job, education, physical health, a house, or a project that will produce tangible results. You will be rewarded for doing a competent job and making use of your skills, knowledge, and talents. You are off to a good start and could become recognized as an expert in your field. You desire status, recognition, or approval from others, and you feel a sense of accomplishment for a job well done.

Strive to work with grace and creativity, and with a sense that everything you do is important.

We are the Esperides, the Greek nymphs of the sunset. Our enchanted abode is the garden of the goddesses that we cultivate and protect as if it were our child.

A meeting of minds, an entwining of hearts, well-matched skills. Three elements. When they come together, a special magic occurs and great things result.

How do you work with others? What are you working on? What is your goal? What skills are you using? Are you willing to persevere? How are you taking or expressing criticism of the work being done?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ten of Wands

Keywords & Phrases:
Heavy burden. Overload. Uphill struggle. Taking on too much responsibility. Being too willing to please. Overextending yourself. Believing there is always a price to pay. Resigned to being a workhorse. Feeling accountable. Struggling with your workload. Blocked thinking. A heavy weight. The fruit of one's labor. The weight of ambition. The burden of success. Work-related stress. Weighty responsibilities. Determination. Inability to delegate. Taking full responsibility. Buried in work. Pressure. Hard work. A demanding project. Heavy responsibilities. Striving for success. All work, no play. Biting off more than you can chew. Information overload. Creative blocks. Home stretch.

Whenever this card appears in a layout, it indicates that you have some kind of burden which you are carrying. Before you immediately put your finger on the cause - too much work, too much duty, too much anything - think about whether your perception of life is in need of a revamp. It is possible that you are so wrapped up in the normal "burdens" of life that you have no direction, no current goal, or just can't see where you're going.

This card signifies that it is time to lighten the load. To drop some of your tasks, delegate, cut back and take time out for pleasure and play. This card asks you to expand your awareness, and to see the value of other viewpoints or that letting go of the huge burden you've created for yourself won't mean you give up on yourself.

This is the card of the workaholic - and of the individual on a mission. You've assumed so much responsibility you feel burdened. You probably don't want to delegate because you believe the old age, "If you want something done right, do it yourself". However, you refuse to let your real or imagined responsibilities overshadow the joy of living.

This card has a double meaning. On the one hand, it is a card of richness and abundance, linked to its actual value, but also to good luck. On the other hand, the weight this fortune brings cannot be denied, and the limits of strength needed to sustain it. Perhaps this is because beautiful things cost effort.

You are struggling now to shoulder your load and meet your many commitments and responsibilities. You may have taken on too many responsibilities and are carrying a heavy load. You are in the final stretch and are wondering if you have enough energy to make it past the goal line. Despite the oppressiveness of your burden, you do have enough energy to complete the task.

Your ambition to succeed and receive acclaim drives you onward. You must, however, realize that you cannot do everything. Learn to delegate responsibility and do not take on more than you can handle. Otherwise, some of your plans will not proceed to completion. You need to develop a better appreciation of your limits.

Although greatly burdened, the man depicted in the Ten of Wands card struggles on. This card may be asking if we are overextended or pushing ourselves too hard, in which case we may need to lighten the load for the sake of our health and well-being.

The accumulated responsibilities you have taken on can hold you down and keep you from doing what you want or need to do. Prioritize your life. Concentrate on what is truly important, and discard the rest - at least for now.

It is hard enough to keep track of your own actions and their consequences. Trying to control or manipulate everyone around you is sheer madness. You just need to worry about you.

Before I was a goddess, I was a warrior. I was defeated and my strength is disappearing. I close my eyes, I let myself go and fly through the sky. I am Caenis, divinity of Greece.

What responsibilities are weighing heavily on your shoulders? What are you feeling burdened with? What is your goal? When will you get there? Who (or what) is restricting you and keeping you from manifesting your full radiant energy? Why have you taken on these responsibilities? How can you best use your powers and energies?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Knight of Cups

Keywords & Phrases:
Idealization. Emotional sensitivity. In love with love. Invitations to love. Romantic overflow. Being temperamental. Knight in shining armor. Emotional rescue. Dashing off to rescue someone. Exaggeration of feeling. Loves beauty but hates imperfection. Imaginative but unrealistic. Gushing sentiments. New relationships. Artistic talent. An important event related to relationships and emotional concerns. New experiences. A social invitation. Imagination. Intuition. Kindness. Empathy. Following your dream. Rose-colored glasses. Moodiness. Utopian idealism. To dream the impossible dream. Follow your bliss.

Whether you are the "knight in shining armor" yourself or the victim who needs to be rescued, you should check that your intentions, well-meaning or welcoming, are not an illusion. This card often turns up in a layout when we are not being honest about our feelings. Genuine self-questioning is always necessary with all of the Knight cards because they represent the extremes of their suit's energy.

He is part Don Quixote, a troubadour who brings social activities, romance, excitement and travel into your life. His charm is his greatest asset and his most powerful weapon. With it, he wins over his adversaries, converts people to his way of thinking, and moves through life with the grace of a fish. This knight's focus is on emotion and on the creativity that flows from it. He is usually warmhearted and communicative, but sometimes he's so caught up in his own head he seems evasive, too self-contained. If you annoy him, he won't tell you off; he'll simply tune you out.

A new kind of experience moves into your life. It buoys your spirits, stirs your compassion, and changes your beliefs about what is possible. This knight symbolizes the path with heart. Your tensions and loneliness ease as your emotions find an equilibrium that has been absent in recent months. You delve into your deepest beliefs and emotions and reach an understanding about how they create what you experience.

The Fey knight who rises from the sea finds himself on the boundaries of pure sentiment and his strong natural aggression. For this reason he debates between the chalice and the sword. He can choose whether to deceive and receive love without giving it in exchange, playing a game with emotions without participating, or else he can choose to risk and become involved, renouncing his strength and all his advantages.

The Knight of Cups is a visionary. Being a Knight, however, he tends to be active and unpredictable, and because this is a Cups card, his volatility is typically in the domain of his emotions. He also acts upon his intuition and gut feelings. Thus, he can be romantic and sensitive, but he may be temperamental and moody as well. Among this Knight's better qualities is his serenity. He is apt to stop and reflect upon his feelings, and reevaluate and reintegrate them before moving on.

Pause to reflect on your vision for your life and where it is taking you. Then act upon the intuitive wisdom of your heart.

I am always traveling and I bring messages of peace, love, harmony, and progress to the entire world. I am Epona, Celtic goddess of horses and herds.

There is something brave and beautiful about rushing headlong into love, about giving all of yourself with your whole heart. Brave and beautiful, but not without its risks.

What dream, vision, ideal, or love are you following? Who is inviting you on a journey of emotional significance?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Four of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Repose. Temporary retreat. Contemplation. Truce. Inner fears. Emotional ghosts from the past. Making time for yourself to be alone. Finding your own space. Relaxing and taking it easy. Standing back and reviewing the situation. Preparing for the future. Taking stock of your objections. Slowing down. Respite. Recharging your batteries. The need for rest and relaxation. A slow period. Recuperation. Recovery. Regrouping. Inactivity. A welcome break. A needed holiday. Solitude. Meditation. Introspection. Contemplation. Reevaluation. Getting away from it all. Need for healing. A problem or dilemma being worked on. Illness. Retreat. Rest and recovery. Taking time out. Under pressure. Respite from stress. Organizing thoughts. Prioritizing.

The Four of Swords has two distinct interpretations: first, that our own past presents us from moving on. We feel stuck, paralyzed by our fears and self-doubt generated by failures, pains, disappointments, or betrayals of the past. It is important to look at these fears in the cold light of day and they will soon disappear. The second interpretation is that confrontation with others is not appropriate right now. Instead of rushing in to make a decision or forcing an issue, stand back, retreat, find time to think things through or contemplate the true nature of your current situation.

Your strength is exhausted and circumstances conspire to force you to slow down or temporarily drop out and rest. For now you're stuck in neutral. This break in your activities is long overdue; use it to revitalize yourself. Take a vacation, go on a retreat, or just relax and get in touch with your inner self. Put all your concerns to one side and take time out. You'll emerge renewed and refreshed.

Feeling stressed out? A temporary truce is in order. Now is the time to take a break and rest after a period of struggle or conflict. You need a period of renewal to calm your mind and rejuvenate your body. Now is a time to relax and regroup your forces. Obtaining distance from your daily routine will help put matters in perspective.

There is a very serene quality to this card, implying meanings like rest, recuperation, retreat, meditation, introspection, and contemplation. It may advise withdrawing in order to gather up resources before returning to our quest or conflict, such as the quiet, focused concentration of an athlete prior to a competition. The swords in this image that are set aside may indicate the setting aside of conflict.

Everywhere, troubles of every sort surround and follow you. There is only one sensible course of action. Find a peaceful spot and give yourself over to it. Rest and ground yourself. Then deal with all of the problems.

Solitude is sweet only when it is not accompanied by remorse, regrets, and sacrifices. Mine is a bitter solitude. My name is Chang-O and I am a Chinese goddess.

From what do you need to rest or retreat? Where do you need to focus your energies in order to recuperate your strength? What do you need to do to gain a better perspective and to be fair and just in the situation? What kind of professional assistance would help most?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ace of Cups

Keywords & Phrases:
Love. Deep feeling. New romance. Intimacy. Beginning of new love or awareness. Expressing your feelings. Being in touch with your emotions. Infatuation with something or someone. Establishing new bonds. Feelings developing. Desire for a deeper connection. Emotional renewal. Force of the element water. Power of the imagination. Stirrings of the heart. Emotional and spiritual nourishment. Kindness. Friendship. Happiness. Peace. Sensitivity. Contemplation. Art. Poetry. Abundance. Tender feelings. Compassion. Romance. Empathy. The beginning of love, pleasure. The opening of psychic, spiritual, or unconscious channels. Receptivity. New opportunities for love and relationships. Overflowing feelings.

When you draw the Ace of Cups, the early stages of love or romance are indicated. You may find your feelings have intensified, or that you are falling head over heels in love with someone or something. We can just as easily become infatuated by an idea as we are by a lover. If you are already attached, there may be a stronger bond developing between you, or emotional needs to be expressed. If you draw this card, look at the aspects of your life where love might be lacking or working for you.

If you're single and uncommitted, a new love affair is on the way. If you're already involved, expect a passionate renewal of your relationship. This ace is a symbol of love that is intrinsically spiritual, which connects us to something larger than ourselves. Think newness with this card - new love, new start, new appreciation for life, new fortune, new opportunities, joy, a spiritual awakening. A happy situation is about to start or is already in the beginning stages. In conflicts between heart and mind, you follow your heart.

The first natural act that occurs when one feels an emotion is to offer. In this manner the Ace of Cups is a gift, the feeling that surges, born from nothing and submerged by everything in its simplicity.

The Ace of Cups indicates a new beginning in your emotional life. You may be entering into a new relationship that could lead to marriage, lasting friendship, or a close emotional tie. You are about to be blessed with love and happiness.

The Ace of Cups may signal the beginning of an emotional situation, such as a new relationship, a wedding, a birth, or the healing of an emotional rift between two people. It can indicate love, empathy, and compassion for others, or the peaceful serenity of such feelings. Indeed, being in the suit of Cups, it says that the truest blessings are those born of our loving relationships. This Ace also may advise us to trust our feelings and to follow the dictates of our heart.

On the other hand, the Ace of Cups can warn us of drowning ourselves in a relationship, and consequently shutting out our friends or ignoring our responsibilities. Also, it may warn us against having a completely emotional response to a situation, which can wash us away in a torrent of feelings.

A beginning, in love as in work, should not cause illusions or stop us from searching for new opportunities.

I am the divine source, life and regeneration. My name is Habondia, and I am the Celtic goddess of abundance, feelings, and fertility.

Are you really in touch with your own feelings? Is it time to open up, get closer to a friend, sympathize with others? Are you giving too freely? What is making you feel good right now? What would you like to do to indulge yourself? What or who is offering you nurturing or love? What messages are you receiving from dreams and visions? What does your heart feel most open to? How can I express myself abilities with more feeling? Am I open to new relationships?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Moon

Keywords & Phrases:
Intuition. Fear. Self-deceit. Illusion. Blind to the truth. Unrealistic dreams. Feeling confused. Feeling worried and apprehensive. Trusting your intuition. Losing touch with reality. Dreams. The worlds of the invisible. Magic. The hidden side. The receptive side. The soft side. The silent side. A quest. Transformation. Inconstancy. Capriciousness. Deep instinctual forces. Self-deception. A time to be passive and receptive. Strong emotions. Psychic awareness. Secret truths. The female archetype. The creative potential of the unconscious. Fiction. Moonlit fantasy. Escapism. Trickery. Negative moods. Depression. Indecision. Doubt.

A complex card because its very nature is deceptive, the Moon is very concerned with our sense of belonging or safety and security. When you are in familiar surroundings or with people you know, you feel safe. But there are times when we experience the darker side of our own natures, the unknown shadowy bits trying to see the light of day. This can make us feel disoriented, afraid, vulnerable, or anxious.

The Moon needs expression and when it occurs in a layout the positive aspect of the Moon is to trust in those deeper realms, and to remember that mystery permeates life at all times, although we usually refuse to acknowledge it. The illusion of the Moon is simply that, and the advice is not to let self-deception or distortion of the truth lead you astray or away from your purpose. You have a goal, so stick with it.

You're carried into the labyrinth of the unconscious to the shadowy world of sleep and dreams. Under its spell, you enter the netherworld of illusion and mystery. The question here is: Will you surrender to fear and the dark light of the soul? If you embark on your journey with eagerness and courage, you may become a dream art scientist who gleans from dreams what is needed to improve waking life.

The Moon connects you to the mysteries and nurturing qualities of the female spirit, to emotions and intuitions, to the seductions and fear of the unknown. It sometimes indicates paranoia, but can also suggest actual deception, sabotage, even psychic attack. Whatever you're going through is only a phrase. Look to your dreams, daydreams, and intuitions for answers and solutions. Right now, logic and reason aren't as important as intuition and insight.

The Moon is the Arcana parallel to that of the Sun. In remote times, the moon was always connected with magic and female power. When the sun stopped shining and normal men went indoors, priests and sorcerers officiated in secret under the eye of the sky: the moon. Even today the moon contains infinite mysteries, like a civilization buried under the sand. The Moon Fey is a sorceress, powerful and sure, who moves alone, following only her Mistress the moon and her instinct.

The essence of the moon is so magical that at times it does not seem to be connected to reality, almost like a mantle of illusion and inconstancy that wraps around its being. In this space - dangerous if one does not have sufficient strength to resist the allure of the night - the most beautiful things can be found, the craziest things never seen before, the shame never spoken of, the sweetest and most unreal desires. The real difficulty, as sorcerers know, is not to enter this place but to leave without losing oneself and abandoning oneself to being insubstantial.

According to tradition, the Moon warns of deceit, lies, dishonesty, confusion, self-deception, and moonlit fantasy (what we think we perceive by moonlight often looks quite different in the light of day). The Moon suggests you are entering a period of fluctuating moods and uncertainty during which you must confront unconscious forces in order to proceed. That which has been invisible or secret is coming to the surface. You can make good use of your creative talents in writing, art, drama, acting, psychology, or psychotherapy. You notice how ingrained patterns from the past are affecting your current behavior. Expect the uncanny.

You should attend to your dreams, feelings, hunches, and intuitions now. It is important to become aware of what lies beneath the surface or buried in the past. Your gut feelings may be more reliable than logical analysis. Awareness of the psychological dimensions of human existence now plays an important role in your life.

In the light of the moon, common landmarks take on a strange and mysterious aspect, and the world is cloaked in a magical enchantment - or a shroud of fear - that it lacks in daylight. Soft moonlight is sufficient to show us shapes and outlines, but details are lost in shadow,m and our imagination is left free to fill them in. Likewise, this card indicates imagination and illusions, leading us to wonder if we are seeing beyond the forms of the world to its spirit or if we are deluding ourselves. This ability to see the world anew can lead to genius or to madness, and often there is a fine line between the two.

The Moon is also a symbol of the night, and as such, it represents our dreams and our connection to our intuitive powers. But this card also warns against getting lost in our dreams. A dream can inspire us, but we must remember that it is only a guide, not reality itself. When we lose that distinction, we risk suffering from lunacy.

I am Selene, the ancient Greek goddess of the full moon, ruler of the tides, emotions, feelings, and dreams. My light reveals, my darkness conceals.

The Moon, benign really, minds its own business in the night sky. It cannot help that it must merely reflect. The Moon can give you nothing more or less than yourself, with a few shadows thrown in just to keep things interesting.

Emotional balance is achieved when we can distinguish illusion from reality and accept both.

What have you forgotten? What do you instinctively want to do? What kind of cycle or pattern are you repeating? Are you actions appropriate to this particular situation or are you responding to some past situation? What is bewildering or confusing you? What is real and what is fantasy?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Five of Wands

Keywords & Phrases:
Competition. Rivalry. Minor setbacks. Disagreement. Quarreling over nothing. Feeling you don't know where you stand. Indulging in competition. Feeling challenged. Trying to defend yourself. Frustrating circumstances. Friendly competition. Exercise. A mock battle. An exciting challenge. Conflict. Struggle. The need to prove oneself. Assertiveness. Faith in one's ability to compete. Sparring. Success through formidable effort. Exchanging of ideas - sometimes heated. Energetic and competitive games. Confronting obstacles. Brainstorming. Problem-solving. Conflicting desires.

The Five of Wands conveys that there's a struggle of some kind, yet it is hard to know who is going to come out the winner. Similarly, when you draw the Five of Wands you may feel as if you have to pick a fight, perhaps mentally within yourself, or else challenge someone out there in the external world.

Others want what you want and the contest is likely to be exciting and heated, filled with action and rivalry. Don't allow your competitors to gain the advantage. Be firm, stand your ground, don't give in. Despite the uphill battle, you overcome the competition. You rise to the challenge.

Even when we confront others, it is not necessary to fight nastily. To desire victory, and to do everything possible in order to obtain it, does not prevent us from being friends with our opponents and from seeing conflict as an occasion for reciprocal growth rather than a breach of trust. Furthermore, this card recalls the need to continually keep in shape and to never cease if we want to be ready and able when we really need to be.

You may need to compete or face an exciting challenge to get what you want. Avoid passivity at this time. Success will come as a result of your assertive efforts to overcome nuisances and obstacles. Some of the strife may be due to your refusal to see the other person's point of view. Perhaps you have too many irons in the fire and are scattering your energy in too many directions at once; if so, you need to set priorities to avoid excessive stress.

The figures in the Five of Wands card may be fighting or struggling against one another, they may be engaged in a competitive sport, or they may be working together to build something with their wands. These interpretations all imply a goal-oriented struggle, but important issues to consider are whether the struggle is internal or external, constructive or destructive, friendly or antagonistic. This card urges us to consider that if there is negative strife going on, wouldn't it be better to try to convert that energy into positive energy that works towards a common goal?

Working together to achieve something more than ourselves allows us to be part of something great. It allows us to see how difficult such things are. It's an opportunity for growth.

I am the explosive force of the earth that trembles, the absolute power of the lava that annihilates everything that it encounters. Challenge me if you are a lunatic or have great courage. I am Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes.

Can I let go of petty differences? Do I need to reorganize my priorities? How and with whom are you competing? What obstacles are you confronting? How do you present your ideas to others? With whom are you quarreling or arguing, and over what? What are you so excited about? What games are you playing?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Nine of Cups

Keywords & Phrases: 
Wish fulfillment. Overindulgence. Emotional satisfaction. Enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Smugly content. Pleased with what you have achieved. Self-indulgence. Counting your blessings. Satisfaction. Over-abundance. Desires fulfilled. Enjoyment. Contentment. Comforts. Plenty. Smugness. Indulgence. Visualizing what you want. Appetites gratified.

Traditionally, this card was known as the "wish card". Your wish will now come true! But take care that you accept the responsibility of that wish and know what you really want. We often think we want something or someone and then live to regret it afterward. But generally this card is very beneficial, giving you the chance to take pride in your achievements, to be glad for what you are doing. Caution is required that you don't bask so much in your own success that you close yourself off to others.

As opposed to the Four of Cups, where fullness lead to boredom because it did not have to be worked for and was not merited, the happiness shown in this card is of a much more profound kind. It is still a happiness linked to oneself, to the fact that one has given and received with fullness and abandon. The well-being that is born from this sensation has no shadows, even if it disappears quickly.

When the Nine of Cups appears, you will get what you desire. It is a card of satisfaction and contentment, sometimes even smugness and overindulgence. The appearance of this nine can signal the end of a major phase of a project and the need to take a well-deserved holiday before proceeding.

Traditionally, this card is referred to as the Wish Card. It depicts contentment and satisfaction with what we have, and basking in the glow of achievement. It is important to remember, however, that these emotions depend on an appreciation of what we have. The man in the Nine of Cups also bears a tinge of smugness, and so this card can serve as a warning against self-satisfaction. Sometimes this card reminds us of an ironic curse: "May all your wishes come true." In that case, it may be an admonishment to be sure we know what we really want, to be prepared for it, since we may well get it.

Blare the trumpets and raise the banners. Raise glasses and toast me. I am Nike, the Greek winged goddess. I announce glory, victory, success and achievement.

Even when buried by our feelings, we may still raise our eyes and our hands towards our goal, our hope, our inspiration.

We do not always recognize good luck, which sometimes arrives when we are unable to appreciate it.

How might I use my talents in more meaningful ways? What satisfies me? How have your wishes been fulfilled? What pleasures are being experienced? What do you feel smug about? What do you want to manifest in your life? Can you visualize it in detail?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nine of Pentacles

Keywords & Phrases:
Accomplishment. Refinement. Independence. Self-reliance. Being resourceful. Knowing you are in control of the situation. Material security. Enjoying the finer pleasures of life. An inner sense of security. Acting on your own. Self-discipline.Prudence. Richness. Material connections between people. Being self-sufficient. Self-mastery. Attainment. Gain. Money. Success. Leisure time. Fruitfulness. Self-worth. Well-being. Prosperity as a result of past efforts. Solitary affluence. Well-deserved success. Inheritance. Possession. Mastery of one's resources. Taking good care of yourself. The capacity to be alone. Love of nature. Enjoyment of solitary leisure. Harvest. Good results from efforts. Luxuries. Pleasures. Physical well-being.

The Nine of Pentacles signifies that a mission has been accomplished. You are ready to enjoy yourself, indulge in your success and know that your way is the right way. As a result of your recent efforts, you have a greater sense of self-reliance and independence. This graceful Pentacles lady feels secure in herself. This card also indicates that your most important duty is to yourself.

You achieve material comfort, financial security, and a sense of inner peace. You enjoy relationships, but when they're done, you're not lonely. You relish the personal environment you've created: your home, your garden, your pets, and your comfortable lifestyle. You don't depend on constant companionship to make you feel complete. Self-reliance is the key to your prosperity; you follow your own star.

The woman in this card is reaping the benefit of the wise use of her talents and resources. She is alone and at peace with herself and her surroundings. She is in control of her thinking and of her destiny. She has a sense of self-worth and is able to manage her own affairs, but at the same time she may be experiencing a feeling of incompleteness.

The Nine of Pentacles depicts an affluent woman who has earned the fruits of her labor and is now free to enjoy the finer things in life. Thus this card may indicate rewards, abundance, accomplishment, satisfaction, and fulfillment. The implication is that this compensation is the result of hard work, discipline, prudence, self-reliance, and self-control, who are characteristics recommended by this card. Additionally, the attitude and attire of the woman in this card implies the consequent refinement, culture, self-esteem and self-confidence that come with such achievements. Consider your accomplishments and note how you achieved them in order to learn from your past successes.

What an awesome feeling to be on top of the world, mistress of your own destiny. Good job!  You've done very well. The big question now is: what next?

You sowed well and harvested many fruits without too much effort. Ration them wisely and share them with those you love. I am Rosmerta, Celtic goddess of abundance.

How free are you? Do you welcome independence? Have you acknowledged your accomplishment? Do you fear being self-reliant or believe you have nothing to show for your efforts? Am I still seeking a purpose in life? What do I value? What are you earning by your endeavors - material wealth, security, status? How are you enjoying what you've earned? How are you spending your leisure time? How do you give thanks for all you've gained?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Queen of Pentacles

Keywords & Phrases:
Dependable. Nurturing. Warmhearted. Sensuous. Generous. Earth-mother. Taking a realistic view of life. Matter-of-fact attitude. Reliable and loyal. Feeling secure and home-loving. Genuine desire to help other people. Creative and resourceful. Opulence. Magnificence. Aesthetic spirit. Practical manager. A sensible approach. Organization. Prosperity. Love of nature. Shrewdness. Abundance. Good business sense. Common sense. Emotional maturity. Solid learning. Firm foundations. A green thumb. Channels sensory information and practical knowledge. Able to preserve and conserve. Has respect for body, food, land. Has a love of the world, earth, life.

The Queen of Pentacles takes us further into the realm of our sense of security and connectedness to the world. She is there for everyone, always available, reliable, home-loving, willing to do anything for her family and all without any fuss. Think about what this archetypal earth-mother makes you feel. Do you identify with her at all? Do you admire her, envy her, or are you totally immune to feeling anything? Whatever your reaction, remember that the Queen of Pentacles represents a part of you. She points a finger at you and says, "look within, find your nurturing side".

She is the Empress in her guise as Mother Earth. She showers her creations with lots of TLC and it doesn't matter whether they are actual children or projects and activities. You're seeking practical, tangible solutions. You use your wealth and abilities to empower yourself and others.

Gaiety, without pretext or hidden ends, is painted on the face of this young girl. She seeks company and human contact, and is willing to give the same in exchange. She is ready to give and also ready to assert herself.

In the suit of Pentacles, the Queen is a little rebellious. Her ability to disregard things is not in harmony with the rest of the suit, but it is precisely for this reason that she manages to communicate and deal with others well. Her roots are strong like the earth, but her look and thoughts are light, never tired from troubles.

She is nurturing, practical, and responsible, and she is devoted to caring for those around her, such as her family or community. Due to her resourcefulness, she typically has attained material security, which enables her to be giving and to help others, for she knows that generosity does not deplete her. Rather, it makes way for the endless abundance of Mother Nature to flow through her. In addition, the Queen of Pentacles is sensual and sensuous. She is in touch with her physicality and with the material world, and she is at one with nature.

I am the Lady of fertility and conception. I am the generous and prodigal ancient Roman goddess. My name is Juno, ruler of time, patron of births.

Understanding our difficulties is often the first step towards overcoming them.

Appreciation of creation and the ability to create are qualities tied to the earth, the moon, the sun, and the heavens. Who says physical things are mundane?

Am I able to nurture myself? What are my attitudes towards pleasure and sensuality?  How are you channeling your physical resources? Who inspires your need for practical skills and nurtures your desire for knowledge? Who is reliable and trustworthy? How are you grounded in Mother Earth?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Chariot

Keywords & Phrases:
Diligence. Willpower. Honesty. Perseverance. Control over feelings and thoughts. Being pulled in two directions. Learning to stick to the right path. Being successful. Determination to win at all costs. Wanting victory. High adventure and taking risks. Being in the driver's seat. Mental and physical journeys. Travel. Victory. Triumph. Conquest. Displaying oneself. Progress. Clear purpose. Single-mindedness. Ambition. Mastery. Energy to fight for a goal. Great effort. Achievement. The drive for success. Sense of purpose. Victory resulting from personal effort. Victory over the instincts. Successfully controlling some situation through the force of your personality. Confidence, optimism, and faith in your own abilities. Reaching your goal.

The Chariot reveals that strong motivation and self-will are the key to progress. This card is all about confidence, healthy ego, and self-belief. Either you will have the self-assurance and spirit to get what you want, or you will meet someone who represents this archetypal phase in your life. You have now reached a point where you can stand up for your own beliefs and make decisions based on what you want rather than what other people assume is right for you.

This card exemplifies the hero's journey and represents ambition, determination, and youthful energy. Its charioteer harnesses his power and talents and forges ahead, driven by a burning desire to succeed. The charioteer succeeds through a combination of self-discipline, bravado, and sheer willpower. This is the "go for it" card and its purpose is to inspire you to test what you have learned and to prove your abilities. Unlike the Fool, the individual who drives the Chariot knows the reason for his journey. Through purposeful action, you achieve your goals.

To control his chariot and the opposing forces of the black and white sphinxes that pull it, the charioteer needs to have self-assurance, self-control, and self-discipline. But although he may take responsibility for his chosen path and have the tenacity to stay that course, he also has a tendency to run roughshod over whoever or whatever gets in his way.

The Chariot suggests a need to stay centered and take control of competing forces to carry on. You are capable of a calm sense of command, provided you steer a middle course between conflicting thoughts. feelings, and wishes. At the same time you may feel unable to speed up the outcome, so the best course of action is to go with the flow of the forces you have set in motion. You may find yourself struggling to assert yourself because you need to resolve a set of conflicting interests. You will be able to stay on course after making a firm resolution. Your strategy should be to move forward with determination and a clear sense of purpose. You will conquer your difficulties and emerge victorious.

The Chariot is a complex dance of control. What makes it go? And who, really, is in charge?

Even after achieving success, our mind must not be distracted from the goal for which we fought.

I am Eos, the Greek goddess of the dawn. Climb into my chariot. I take you away from darkness and I illuminate the path. A dark night ends, a bright day begins.

What inner struggle needs resolution? Are there past issues that I need to consider and resolve before charging ahead? What mask are you presenting to the world? What emotional reactions are you hiding? What contradictions and tensions are you struggling to maintain control over? Where have you experienced a recent victory or success in your life? What progress are you making in testing your abilities in the world?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ten of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Breaking up. Destruction. Endings. Enlightenment. Turning point. Exaggerated self-pity. Feeling life is against you. Playing the victim. Cutting through illusions. An irrevocable ending. The end of a cycle. Defeat. A forced change. The death of a matter. Death of an illusion. Time to let go. Negative thinking. Loss. Hitting bottom. Hardship. The only way is up. Paralysis. The end of a problem, defense, ego hang-up, hostility. Letting go. Death of the old way of thinking. Release. Relief. New dawn.

Always a rather alarming card to draw in a layout, the Ten of Swords isn't as bad as it looks. There are differing interpretations of the Ten of Swords, because it is one of the most powerful and complex cards in the deck. Like all tens, this card indicates the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. But before you can embark on a new journey, you must liberate yourself from old patterns of behavior, drop emotional baggage and say goodbye  to the "old you". It's time to declutter your life. In this sense the Ten of Swords represents enlightenment; it is timely now to accept your illusions for what they are. Even if you're feeling disillusioned, this can only lead  to a new self-awareness. Right now you must look forward and put the past behind you.

You're facing forced change and the final resolution of a situation or the dramatic end of a cycle. You must give up on a lost cause and get on with the true purpose of your life. Ultimately, you feel relieved, accept the inevitable, and move on. You've experienced disaster and survived: there's little left in life for you to fear.

For obvious reasons, this is one of the least popular cards in the tarot deck. It often is interpreted as meaning failure and defeat, with connotations ranging from plans going awry to being stabbed in the back. But if this card indicates hitting an all-time low, the good news is that things have gotten just about as bad as they can get, and things are finally going to start getting better.

Considering the mental aspects of the suit of Swords, this card also can mean that we have analyzed something to death, sucking all the joy and excitement out of it. Also, when we overanalyze something, we may come to confuse our thoughts about it with the thing itself, effectively destroying it by replacing it with our concept of it.

You have hit bottom. Your plans are not working out. You have reached the outer limits. A situation or relationship is coming to its irrevocable end, and you may be feeling on the threshold of depression because of your loss. You have done all you can and it is time to make a definite break or suffer the consequences. This ending is accompanied by a deep sense of loss and sadness. You may be feeling emotionally cut off. You must let go to make way to the future.

I am the innocent victim of a cruel curse. I am alone, afraid, and desperate in this gloomy forest. Who knows what will be of me... I am Sakuntala, the unlucky Indian nymph.

Even when all appears to be lost, we must remember that everything comes to an end and no enemy is invincible.

Even as you mourn a great loss, you see the beauty, the continuity within it. The sadness, the darkness, transforms you and you move through it, gracefully toward a new day.

What must I accept? What can I change? Do I know the difference between the two? In what way are you feeling paralyzed or unable to act? Where do you feel that you have no choice? What are you being forced to accept? What is being sacrificed? What problem can you let go of? By accepting defeat, what are you now free to do?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Three of Wands

Keywords & Phrases:
Foresight. Expansion. Exploration. Contemplation. Seeking new adventure. Seeking how best to act. Knowing what is going to happen next. Having an open perspective. Starting on a new journey. Awareness of your intentions. Knowledge as power. Initiative. Doing one's part. Birth of an enterprise. Cooperation. Brisk business. A new project. Initial success. Favorable early returns. Help in putting plans into action. Sharing creative energies. Exchanging ideas. Setting goals for the future. Opportunities. New ideas. Visionary. Established strength. Synthesis of ideas. Planning. Getting the big picture. Creative overview. Direction. Looking for greater possibilities. Planning ahead. Taking the long few.

A highly creative card, the Three of Wands indicates that it is time to explore future possibilities with foresight and a sense of adventure. It is timely to reflect on what you know to be right for you and what is available. This is not a card about taking a risk; rather, like any real explorer, you set off with provisions, a map, plans, and knowledge of the territory. Is it going to be a barren landscape or is there something calling you on?

You're poised on the threshold of success and your past efforts are starting to pay off. You've reached an important milestone; you are on solid ground and have developed a new confidence concerning your long-term plans. You possess the power to bring about your heart's desire.

Everyone needs to know how to do their part. If only one part of a job is missing, then the work cannot be completed. Once we have worked hard and done all that is necessary, we can rest and wait, observing the rewards. This moment should be relished, without being anxious about things that are already beyond our control.

This card indicates both foresight and patience, leading the way into new ventures, and exploring the unknown for new possibilities. It deals with expanding our horizons and foreseeing positive results for our efforts and investments. It also may indicate waiting for our ship to come in. Being a Three and a Wand card, it may mean using passion and inspiration to create something new. Have patience and focus your attention and efforts on the long haul. You have laid the groundwork, and now is the time to nurture your endeavor as you wait for results.

You have completed the first stage of a project, but there is more to do. You can count on teamwork and cooperation. You feel a sense of both accomplishment and challenge as you prepare to enter the next phase of your enterprise. Opportunities abound, and a new job is possible. Take the opportunity to cooperate with others if you wish to lay the groundwork for future development.

In readings, the Three of Wands can tell you to take the long view. Don't react to the heat of the moment, but step back and reconsider. See how the present fits into the greater picture. This card asks you to be a visionary - to dream beyond current limitations. It can indicate premonitions or other intuitions about what is to come.

All hope feeds the dawn, the promise of a fresh new day. As each new challenge slows our chase of the sun, we can pause, reflect on how far we've come, and move on feeling renewed.

At times it is useful to view the things of this world through the eyes of a child at play. The secret truths are sometimes right before us, and we are unable to see them.

We are the Horae - Eunomia, Dike, and Irene, discipline, justice and peace. The power of the seasons that we control has been celebrated since the earliest of times. Now the power is in your hands.

Where do your ambitions lie? Where are you putting your attentions? What and whom are you drawing to yourself through your vitality, power, and energy? What are you envisioning for the future? What and with whom do you have to coordinate to achieve your plan?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Two of Cups

Keywords & Phrases:
Relationship. Connection. Partnership. Attraction. Moving toward another. Sexual attraction. Romantic love. Establishing a bond. Mutual understanding. Harmony and cooperation. Reconciliation and forgiveness. Affinity. Love. Agreement. Promises. Mutuality. A happy union. Sharing. Warmth. A balanced partnership. Mutual exchange. Balanced give and take. Cooperation. Reciprocity. Kindness. Understanding. Emotional equilibrium. Finding common ground. A loving and healing union of opposites. Power of love. Spiritualization of the passions. Reciprocal respect and benefit. Transcending differences. Meeting someone halfway.

The Two of Cups can suggest a marriage, or a marriage of the minds, or the alchemical energy of merging and blending to turn lead into gold. But you can only do so if you do not try to have power over the other.

Partnership of all kinds and marriage in particular are inherent in this card. Emotional balance and cordial personal encounters are hallmarks of this two. You accept with equanimity whatever life brings. Friendship ad companionship are highlighted. By uniting with another, you accomplish more than either of you could achieve alone.

Two diverse and yet complimentary figures are joined together by a toast: a pact. We are in the field of feelings, with a promise of friendship, of love or even only of affinity: to connect a fragment of oneself with another person.

The image on the Two of Cups indicates a personal union, the bonding of two people. It may signify making an emotional connection with someone, acknowledging such an attraction, or renewing an old relationship. Also, this card may depict the healing power of love, and so it can be about making peace with someone or discovering that our relationships can heal our wounds.

The Two of Cups shows the beauty and power that is created when two come together. Whenever two forces are drawn together, there is the potential for bonding. This card can stand for the union of any two entities - people, groups, ideas, or talents. In readings, the Two of Cups tells you to look for connections in your life, especially those that are one-on-one. Now is not the time to separate or stay apart.

Finally together, my beloved. Your embrace warms me, comforts me, sustains me and fortifies me. I am Psyche, Greek goddess of romantic love.

Love, romance, candles and wine. There is nothing like it while it burns to light the darkness, fill the world with beauty, and heal all manner of ills.

How do I benefit from cooperation with others? To whom are you giving your love and affections? How do you nurture others? What is being healed in your relationship? How are your inner feminine and masculine uniting and working together in your life? What are you lovingly sharing with another?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Page of Pentacles

Keywords & Phrases:
Practical approach. Realistic aims. Concentrated efforts. Focus. Progress. New projects. Setting the wheels in motion. Looking for a window of opportunity. Know your limitations. Wanting to be prosperous. Financial messenger. Diligent worker. Application. Study. Knowledge. Inquiring spirit. Education. A written message. Willingness to learn. Slow and steady progress. Patience. Persistence. Realism. Kindness. Determination. Respect for material things. Love of nature. Educational opportunities. Eagerness for learning. The beginnings of a solid foundation. Open-mindedness. Seeking knowledge, experience, and new skills. Vision quest. Seeks guidance from the earth.

The Page of Pentacles signifies that it is time to get practical or to progress with realistic aims and get involved in a new project. It is not so much simply looking at what you've achieved so far, but looking at the future to see what more you can accomplish. There is a window of opportunity out there, but you have got to look for it. Whether it is literally a new career or enterprise, or a chance for greater clarity within a relationship, this card has a "let's go on with the job" feel about it.

The Page can also represent someone you know: a reliable worker, an organized friend, someone who knows how to turn vision into reality. This person may have something useful to tell you, or they may simply symbolize a part of yourself that you haven't yet expressed or acknowledged. Ask yourself if you know your limitations; can you go further; how practical are you when it comes to working to have an effect on someone or something? Can you identify with planning and progress, focus and results?

The Page is the student/apprentice of the tarot. He signifies the type of enthusiasm and wonder that young children bring to new projects. Totally fascinated with his studies, he makes little distinction between work and play. Think of him as the equivalent of the computer nerd who is completely immersed in his virtual world. Like the Fool, the page of pentacles is a perpetual beginner. Life is seen as a continual rite of initiation.

Practical idealism, finances, and education are primary in your life right now. Your enthusiasm infects others and carries you in to a state of mind where work and play become interchangeable.

This card indicates exploration of spaces and places, rather than introspection or soul-searching. Restlessness is a characteristic of youth and also of the suit of Pentacles, and is transmitted by this errant motion and in this continual quest for answers about one thing or another.

Your thoroughness, practicality, and hard work will pay off. From small beginnings, progress will be slow but sure. You may receive a letter or a note that will affect the course of events. Pentacles indicate a need to care for physical and material needs.

The moment you realize that you can create something or make something happen is magical and empowering. Suddenly a whole new world full of possibilities opens up.

At times we must trust our instincts when they lead us to believe in those closest to us.

Prudence and wisdom, attention and conscientiousness guard with me the precious treasure of Frigg, my queen. My name is Fulla and I am a Scandinavian goddess.

What are my instincts trying to tell me? What new information am I gathering? What new possibilities do you contain within yourself? Are you listening to the earth?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Six of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Moving away from danger. Journey in consciousness, or mental travel. Solving problems. Getting distance to see things in perspective. Transition. Passage. Transferring ideas, data, materials. Planning a route. Scientific thinking. Dependence on others. New perspective. Recovery. Travel. Moving away from trouble. Getting over difficulties. Heading on to better times. Having to change location. Mental or physical journey. Leaving the past behind. Beginning to be more positive about life. Understanding an idea. Logical passage. Brighter days ahead. Leaving your troubles behind. Release of tension. A welcome transition. Going with the flow.

If you feel you are in troubled waters right now, then this card indicates that you are about to move into calmer ones, particularly if the card is in the "you now" position. You are not exactly exuberant and you are a little wary of what's ahead, but you can at last see life or events with a more objective perspective. You are moving ahead or moving away from circumstances that were uncomfortable or uncertain, and now you can see the way forward.

Consider this card a metaphorical gateway through which you journey away from your problems. Travel is indicated. Although all of your troubles haven't ended, you're aware of a lessoning of strain and tension. You've made certain decisions that are pushing you in a new direction. The future may be unknown, but you move toward it with hope in your heart.

In difficult situations, take a moment to put some distance (either physical or psychological) between it and you in order to gain a better perspective.

You are leaving behind a period of strain, worry, and anxiety. You are entering a more tranquil time in which your peace of mind will be restored. Sometimes a trip will relieve tension and reinstate balance and harmony. You are open now to new learning. This is a time to review past difficulties with an eye to assuring a better future. You are now able to leave a destructive situation or behavior pattern behind.

Prepare for a long trip at sea. The stars will be our guide. Amidst storms and calm we will reach our destination together. I am Nehalennia, Celtic goddess, protector of seafarers.

At times the solution to a problem can be found by changing direction. We must not be afraid to spread our wings.

What do I need to leave behind so I can concentrate on growth? What do I need to communicate for healing to begin? What immediate problems are you attempting to solve? Where will you go to solve them? Where in your life right now is mental clarity important? How are you liberating your mind from clutter and false ideas so that you can think clearly? When you step back from your problem to gain a clear perspective, what do you see?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Star(s)

Keywords & Phrases:
Meditation. Inexhaustible inspiration. Spiritual regeneration. Using active imagination and visualization. Formulating your ideas and goals. Examining your hopes for the future. Living by your own truth and values rather than those in the outside world. Nonconformity. Doing the unexpected. The calm after the storm. Freedom. Peace and serenity. Refreshment, renewal, or cleansing. Purification. A desire to know the truth. Enlightenment. Hope. Foresight. Guidance. Intuitive security. A delicious awakening. Immense personal joy. Beauty. Comprehension of the indescribable. Truth revealed. Ideal love. Realization of a dream. Insight. Self-belief. The light at the end of the tunnel. Knowing you are going to be successful. Freely giving of yourself. Idealization of a person or goal. Visionary progress. New trust in a relationship. Tranquility. Optimism. Enjoyment. Confidence. Renewal. Illumination. Harmony. Enthusiasm.

The stars have always been guides for navigators; points of reference and direction. They influence man from far away, shining like points of light on a serene night. For this reason, they are symbols of hope. The ability to look towards infinity and towards the sky, and to to gather - even if only for a moment - all of the infinite possibilities that are opened before us. Even if stars do not seem of great use as such, they nevertheless provide direction. They do not help us move towards our objective but they help us understand what we are wondering and why. They are also the card of beauty, of innocence and of purity, because there are the characteristics of the soul that contemplates infinity and knows how to replenish, to have hope, joy, and security. Watching the stars is like falling in love.

The ancients used the stars to navigate unknown waters and the archetype of the Star provides you with your own personal shining light that will allow you to navigate successfully through life. When you draw this card, your powers of self-expression are at their highest. You feel in touch with universal energy and there is hope and belief in the future.

In the wake of the Tower's violent eruption, you're inspired to reach for your highest potential. You experience order and peace. The Star guides you to your destination with the gentleness of her soft light. This card is one of calm, renewal, and healing. A new cycle begins. Your persistence and hard work pay off big time. You experience a profound peace that springs from the unconscious. You're doing what you were born to do.

Throughout history, the stars have awed and inspired humans. Being constant, eternal, ethereal, and unattainable, they embody a primal concept of the divinity of the Universe and inspire a quiet and subtle reverence. The idea of a guiding star is common in human folklore, and it lends various meanings to this card, such as inspiration, divine guidance, faith, optimism, and - especially - hope. These meanings, however, carry an implicit warning not to get lost in hopes and dreams, for at some point we have to come back down to earth and take action if we want to be able to manifest those dreams.

This card is also about the wisdom of hope. Hope should have some basis in reality or it will degenerate into delusion, which is the providence of the next card, the Moon. Reasonable hopes are wise for they lift us up and strengthen us, but even when our hopes are reasonable we must be careful with them. If we use them as an excuse to avoid taking action to help ourselves, then even those hopes may be no more than an opiate.

The Star is a very positive card. Now is a time to rely on your intuition, inner wisdom, and guidance. The Star is a card of hope, protection, promise, joy, inspiration, good fortune, and spiritual happiness. A desired response or result is on the way. This is a good time to exert yourself because you can achieve your ideals.

The Star shines over the land, a sign of hope. The Star generously shares her power, sprinkling it into the ocean so that it may permeate all of life.

We are the Pleiades, the seven daughters of the firmament. We are the trust, hope, inspiration and harmony that you look for in every star that shines brightly in the sky.

What aspect of your life is being purified or cleansed? What is being renewed? What are you inspired to do? For what are you receiving recognition? What are your ideals in the matter? What do I do for myself that renews my spirit? What do I hope for?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Seven of Cups

Keywords & Phrases:
Precious illusions. An altered state of consciousness. Deluged by fantasies. Caught up in illusions or the realm of the senses. Dreams. Reveries. Visions. The creative imagination. Indecision. Temptations. Tests of the soul and emotions. Indulgence. Wishful thinking. Too much choice. Self-indulgence. Feeling disorganized. Fantasizing about what you can achieve. High expectations. Lazy attitude to life. Putting off the inevitable. Believing you can get away with anything. Having your cake and eating it too. Illusions about love. An array of options open to you. Lack of focus. Daydreams. A sense of confusion. Head in the clouds. Poor concentration. Uncertainty. A difficult choice. Not thinking clearly. Too many options. Muddled thinking. Scattered energies. Unrealistic expectations. Disorganization. Romanticism. Emotions dominate rational thought. Inability to cope. Castles in the air. Yearnings.

This card has three very distinct meanings. The first is that you have so many options that you can't organize yourself to make the right choice. The second is that you are living under some kind of illusion of what you can achieve. The third is that you are simply indulging in all kinds of excesses.

Imagination and fantasy combine to produce numerous opportunities. You may have myriad options, but you feel muddled and confused and have trouble distinguishing the good choices from the bad. You need to make a choice and should devote much care and consideration to making it. What you desire most may be just under your nose, waiting to be recognized. Until you pick one of your alternatives and begin working with it, all your dreams and ideas remain just castles in the air. Beneath your confusion and indecision lies an abundance of innovative energy waiting to be released.

The Seven of Cups depicts a person with many options, but who may be unable to make a choice due to confusion. Since this card is in the suit of Cups, which deals with emotions, this indecision is generally on an emotional level. Consequently, the advice of this card may be to follow your bliss - that is, to discover what it is you really love and then focus on doing that.

The Seven of Cups also has a very dreamlike quality, which may indicate living in a dream world, believing in illusions, suffering delusions, or indulging in escapism. Similarly, this card may warn of inaction due to daydreaming or wishful thinking. On the other hand, fantasy can be inspirational in the right context, such as a creative or artistic endeavor.

When you are confused, take a moment to clear your mind and ask, "What am I feeling in this circumstance?" Consider how valid your emotional responses are and how they may be affecting your judgment. Then, in a state of calm and centeredness, release these emotions and their control over you.

You may be feeling stuck or confused about making a decision. The options may seem too numerous or too evenly balanced, or each option may involve some sort of trade-off. You can't have everything and you're unsure of which way to go. Your heart urges you to go in one direction and your head says to go in another. You may not appreciate the ramifications of each choice before you. You need to focus and concentrate on a single goal to succeed. At this time, your wishful thinking is your worst enemy.

Success will depend on your weighing matters carefully to reach a thoughtful and focused decision. The Seven of Cups warns that your thinking may be too muddled to make the best choice. Your expectations may be unrealistic and your imagination may be working overtime. You would be wise to take your time and seek more information. On the other hand, this is an excellent time for creative projects of any kind. Sometimes this card can herald a significant dream or psychic intuition. If so, be sure to listen to your inner voice.

My eyes are closed. What I see and what I believe is only what I desire. Under the veil of illusion, I hide the utopia of a perfect equilibrium. I am Maya, the Hindu goddess of appearance.

When you dream, when you relax into your fantasies - do you see what you want, what you think you should see, what you think is true, what you fear for but don't think will happen, or all of the above?

How are you overdoing or indulging yourself? What are your fantasies for the future? What are your current daydreams? How are you deluding yourself? How are you gratifying your senses? What mystical visions are you experiencing? How much work am I willing to put forth to make my dreams a reality? What opportunities have I lost because of daydreaming?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Three of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Necessary cutting. Wounding. Disbelief. Rejection. Getting to the heart of the matter. Triumph of logic over emotions. Feeling hurt. Discovering a painful truth. Feeling let down. Fear of loss. Reality check. Pain. Alienation. Separation. Creative heartbreak. Disharmony. Heart and mind at odds. Painful miscommunication. Truth hurts. Harsh words. Heartache. A bleeding heart. Quarrels. Conflict. Upheaval. Neurotic behavior. Stress. Tension. Pierced to the quick.

The Three of Swords has a variety of meanings, and like any double-edged sword, you must try to apply the interpretation to your current situation with complete emotional honesty. The positive side of this card is that with a clear head, an open mind and acceptance of your feelings you can get to the heart of any situation and sort it out.

Commonly, this card tends to be biased toward its more "negative" interpretations. When we feel let down in love, betrayed and emotionally hurt, our world suddenly seems unjust and we are heartbroken or fearful of losing someone. All these experiences have something in common, and that is that we suffer alone, thinking that we are the only one to feel these feelings, and we believe no one has ever felt what we feel. Good old logic and reason seem to be the last things that would save us. But, if you examine your feelings with care, talk to others, and realize that your pain is someone else's pain, it can lead to a better understanding of yourself and others.

Letting go of what no longer serves your best interests is sometimes the only way to end your pain. You probably feel that all is lost, but remember the adage: "This too shall pass". Then the real healing will begin. Acknowledge your pain, examine it, and work through it. Then let it go and move on.

The Three of words is often interpreted as sorrow or heartbreak. However, this card is in the suit of Swords, which traditionally deals with thought and communications, so there are more layers of meaning to it that should be examined as well. This card can indicate coming to understand our pain and suffering, or expressing our grief in order to be healed.

In readings, the Three of Swords often represents the nasty little curve balls that life can throw sometimes. Betrayal, abandonment, rejection, separation, a reversal of fortune. These wounds are painful because they hit  you when you least expect them. If you have drawn this card, you may know what it refers to, but if not, the Three of Swords is a valuable warning. It is likely that there is something amiss in your life that you are unaware of or unwilling to acknowledge. Examine your situation carefully. Don't take anything for granted. Talk to the people in your life. Listen to your inner voice, it will help you locate the problem.

We are Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld, fate, necessity, and existence. Bare your soul to us. We are the past, present, and future. We are the Norns, powerful Scandinavian goddesses.

When others lose faith in us, we are most vulnerable to attack from within ourselves.

There it is, right there. X marks the spot. Your heart is cut, broken, bleeding. Such exquisite pain. But wait! Whose hand is holding the dagger?

In what ways are you suffering? Feeling jealous? Hurt? Has someone hurt your feelings? What are you feeling sorrowful about? Can you look at your relationships with truth and honesty? What do you fear most within your relationships? What do I need to finish so that I can move on? Can I accept reality and focus on solutions?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two of Pentacles

Keywords & Phrases:
Adaptability. Mobility. Expanding your horizons. Change. Travel. Play. Recreation. Steering through rough waters. Entanglement. Commerce. Fancy juggling. Quick footwork. Keeping two or more things happening at once. Balancing. Dexterity. Flexibility. Ability in dealing with material things. Adapting to relationship needs. Doing many things simultaneously. Dealing with several problems at once. Juggling with the options. Understanding change. The ups and downs of fortune. The need for flexibility. Balancing multiple obligations. Walking a tightrope. Pulled in many directions. Coping with the variations of daily life. A balancing act. Resources spread thin. Juggling many projects at once. Multiple responsibilities. Need to make a decision. Go with the flow. Coping with demands. Making sure all areas are covered. Embracing the challenge.

The easygoing juggler in the image reminds us of the infinite possibilities there are in life - choices, options, new developments, changing scenarios - and how important it is to stay flexible and open to change. This card also signifies that, to overcome any hurdles or problems, be ready to juggle with all of the options. Have fun and smile at life a little, and look for new ways to handle old situations. In adapting to the world around you, you will also create an effective way to achieve your current aims.

Think balance, adaptability, and equilibrium. You juggle and number of different projects and sources of income. This may entail working two jobs or handling full-time employment as you attend school. However, you don't feel overburdened because pleasure is inherent to your pursuits. You strike a balance, but you do it with the cheer and enthusiasm of a juggler in a vaudeville act. There's a hidden magic in the way you maintain your equilibrium. Avoid spreading yourself too thin. If necessary, narrow your choices to maintain a balanced disposition. Your versatility is your greatest strength.

The Two of Pentacles is an atypical card in its air of fun and whimsy. It advises us to be flexible and adaptive so that we can keep things in balance, but it also seems to say, "Have some fun while you're at it". This card indicates juggling various projects or tasks, perhaps saying that we have a lot going on but we will be able to handle it all if we maintain our balance. Balance your needs against those of other people.

You are trying to juggle several tasks at the same time. You need to schedule your time wisely. You need to make a decision that will ease the tension in your life. Now is a time to be adaptable and "go with the flow". Your skill at handling multiple obligations will lead to success.

What two or more situations are you handling with ease? What are you adapting to? What are you juggling in order to keep stable? In what ways do you play and use your excess energies? What calls for diplomacy? How do you adapt to change? Am I balancing work and play?