Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Hanged Man

Keywords & Phrases:
Transition. Readjustment. Limbo. Paradox. Sacrifice may be necessary. Bored with life. Anticipation of progress. Stasis. Seeing life from a different angle. Changing priorities. Relinquishing control. Taking a step back to move forward. Suspension. A new perspective. Reversal. Slowed action. Taking your time. A testing period. A lesson to be learned. Cosmic consciousness. Enlightenment. A unique viewpoint. A new angle. Dancing to a different drummer. Spiritual attunement. Selflessness. Sacrifice. Commitment. Dedication. Flexibility. Adaptability. Daring to be different. Breaking with the past. Readjustment. An apparent standstill. Reflection. Higher wisdom. Higher wisdom. Listening to your inner self. Unconventional behavior. Contradictions. Suspending disbelief. A rite of passage.

One of the most mysterious cards in the tarot; the Hanged Man is paradoxical, mysterious, and imbued with the frustration of trying to solve a cryptic crossword. The simplest of interpretations are given first, followed by the more compelling but enriching paradox of this enigmatic card.

This card means you are at a crossroads and may have to stand back and look carefully at all the issues involved; or it may mean that you simply get out of a rut. You are in limbo about what you want to do next, or are going through a cease-fire.

The complexity of the Hanged Man invites you to do exactly the opposite of what you think is right to do, and thereby gain results. The more you want something, the more you have to give up on the wanting and then it will happen. The paradox is that as soon as you make these contradictory moves, you find what you are actually seeking.

Finally, the Hanged Man says that it is time to get go of emotional baggage, and that you will soon be released from any pain or emotional hurt because you are opening your mind to living for the moment, not for the past.

Think transition, postponed plans, a life in suspension, stagnation, and frustration. You need to do a 180 in how you perceive something. After all, a person hanging upside down doesn't see the world in the same way as someone standing on the ground.

This marks the point in the Fool's journey when he begins to question the deeper meaning and purpose of his life. The old beliefs and ideas have lost their meaning and no longer satisfy him, but he is confused about his new direction. The Hanged Man is the nonconformist of the Major Arcana. Unresponsive to anyone else's opinion, he goes his own way and does what he thinks is best.

Adjust your point of view, reverse your established order of doing things. The decision you're waiting for is delayed. Make an effort to avoid victim consciousness; this standstill isn't permanent. You're stuck in a rut because of rigid ideas and fixed concepts. If no one seems to agree with you, it may be because others have moved on and you have not. Release ideas and associations that are obsolete. Turn your life around by letting go of negative beliefs.

When two worlds are turned upside down, one within the other, when what appears strange becomes normal and what was normal becomes strange. This is the fey of the Hanged Man, the fey of the upside down.

It is not easy to immerse oneself in the depths, holding one's breath for the sufficient time. Yet it is the only way to enter intro contact with another realty, to understand different languages and forms. The hanged man, without renouncing his own world and identity, has dived into another world, with the intention of understanding and discovering. Just like that, with his head down, he is a bridge, a link between the two worlds.

And what he discovers is not so strange. The fish are not enemies or indifferent, and they look at him, also curious and friendly. Although it is difficult to hold his breath, he has discovered, in the eyes of a much feared enemy, the same look of understanding and friendship.

Now is a time to pause and suspend activity. You need to reevaluate your attitudes, goals, and priorities while remaining true to your spiritual values. Time appears to be moving slowly and you may feel like you are in a state of suspended animation. This is a testing period and there is a lesson to be learned. You are in the middle of a major transition and feel caught between the old and the new. You are capable of unselfish dedication to a significant project or ambition. Yours is a unique perspective that others may not appreciate or understand.

Hanging by his foot (versus his neck), and having a serene countenance and a glowing halo, the Hanged Man is a symbol of willing self-sacrifice in order to attain something of greater value. The Hanged Man seeks to attain understanding, spiritual enlightenment, or the good of others. While the Hermit searches for spiritual growth by retreating from society, the Hanged Man does so by withdrawing from activity, and so this card can suggest meditation. It also may indicate redemption or atonement through sacrifice and suffering, or transcending the self-centered dictates of the ego.

Your hectic pace has kept you from examining deeper aspects of your life. Stop what you are doing long enough to quietly ponder your course of action and consider it from a new perspective.

The wait of nine days and nine nights are the keys that open the doors of knowledge and wisdom. I am Frigg, Scandinavian goddess, wise of Odin.

The Hanged Man tries to possess beauty and truth. Only after he is himself transformed does he know that you cannot possess truth and beauty; you must become them.

What do you expect from the sacrifices you are making? What are you devoted to? How are you hung up? What do you need to get straight? What do you need to give up? What are you trying to escape? How are you seeking higher knowledge?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

King of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Articulate. Direct. Just. Assertive. Analytical. Actively gets to grips with the situation. Objective outlook on life. Has high standards. Fair judgment. Patriarchal values. Capable and prudent. Intellectually adept. Strength. Decision. Power. Authoritative spirit. Command. Cool rationality. Sound advice. Truth. Control. Balanced judgment. Intelligence. An analytical mind. Professionalism. A fair decision. Self-assertion. Drive. Repartee. Objectivity. Rationality. Equality. Justice. Law and order. Expertise. Conviction. Good council. Logic. More head than heart. Established thought. The ability to communicate and be analytical. Sharp and quick.

This King seems sure of himself. He has knowledge and intellect as his armory. He is highly principled. The King of Swords represents the most powerful energy of this suit, that of using the mind to solve problems, to cut through mental confusion and challenge others with ideas. The King of Swords reminds you that intellectual reasoning is as important in your life right now as your feelings. Synthesize any emotional sensitivity with your current ability to articulate and analyze a situation.

You've put on notice that it may be time to cut away from old ideas and beliefs that have outlived their purpose. However, be fair and logical when making decisions that affect other people. Your sharp intellect cuts to the heart of any matter.

The possibility of choice brings with it great responsibility. We need to bear in mind the consequences of all actions and realize that these affect others, not just ourselves. Others that we do not know, who are far away, but often others whom we love or who are connected to us. This is a heavy burden as there is never a perfect or right choice, but only the choice that we make, full of it all its consequences. A perfect choice does not exist, but we must choose nonetheless.

A decision you have been awaiting will be fair and impartial. An intelligent professional may provide you with sound advice. You are capable of much originality now. You desire to break the mold and free yourself from the restrictions of conventionality. You need to consider whether you are out of touch with your feelings.

The King of Swords is a wise, tough-minded intellectual who thinks truthfully and acts with deliberation. Unfortunately, he may be unable to believe that he could ever be wrong. Being cool and logical, he generally makes fair decisions and renders wise judgments, but he risks being harsh and judgmental. He wields authority, seeking to maintain law and order, and to uphold societal values. Sometimes, however, he loses sight of the spirit of the law in his zeal for upholding the letter of the law.

Logic is a very good thing. However, it may not always be as rigid and as narrow as you'd think. A good mind is flexible, and can bend with the winds of time and react well to whatever comes its way.

I am Coatlique, the Aztec lady of snakes. Honor and respect my will and you will be my most beloved subject. Offend me and disobey and you will be my worst enemy.

Who is laying down the law? How are you using your ability to be rational, logical, and analytical? Who is judging or criticizing you?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Three of Pentacles

Keywords & Phrases:
Skill. Cooperation. Planning. Professional growth. Material gain.  Proving yourself. A competent strategy. Being aware of your potential. Getting together with others. Team spirit. Recognition of skill. Being obsessed with detail. Too dependent on others' opinions. A job well done. Beneficial use of talents. Early stages of accomplishment. First rewards. Employment. Work involving status. Superior ability. Professional growth. Competence. Craftsmanship. High standards. Expertise. Doing a job the right way. Success through skill. Diligence. Attention to detail. Progress. New learning. Working with others. Creative skills and abilities. Practicality. Teamwork. Building. Renovation. Making a presentation. Evaluation and criticism.

On the surface, this card seems to signify great success that comes with planning and teamwork. What would we do without the confidence of others? How could we create a masterpiece if it weren't for careful planning and competent colleagues or friends for support? The positive side of this particular 'coin' - or pentacle - is that if you combine your efforts with others, success will be assured. Good organization and following the instructions to the letter will prove to be the best way forward. It is your skill, competence, and professional growth that is in focus.

However, this card can also indicate that it is up to you to be engaged in a project or process that you are totally passionate about, where there is no ambiguity or ambivalence, and where you can do your own thing without becoming a mere spoke in the wheel. The latter won't be enough to satisfy you.

As a journeyman or master builder, you've reached the end of your educational or developmental phase. You've passed the necessary tests and have earned your degree, license, or title. While the Eight of Pentacles typifies the apprentice, the three symbolizes someone who is a virtuoso in his or her field. Your expertise in the area for which you are qualified garners monetary rewards and public recognition.

You're entering into new realms of experience in your chosen career. This is a step up, not a change of course. It's what you have been working toward. When you're called upon to present evidence of your craftsmanship, skill, and knowledge, you respond brilliantly and are recognized publicly. You use your skills and abilities to create something beautiful and enduring.

The Three of Pentacles is a card of development occurring on the physical plane. The situation could involve your money, job, education, physical health, a house, or a project that will produce tangible results. You will be rewarded for doing a competent job and making use of your skills, knowledge, and talents. You are off to a good start and could become recognized as an expert in your field. You desire status, recognition, or approval from others, and you feel a sense of accomplishment for a job well done.

Strive to work with grace and creativity, and with a sense that everything you do is important.

We are the Esperides, the Greek nymphs of the sunset. Our enchanted abode is the garden of the goddesses that we cultivate and protect as if it were our child.

A meeting of minds, an entwining of hearts, well-matched skills. Three elements. When they come together, a special magic occurs and great things result.

How do you work with others? What are you working on? What is your goal? What skills are you using? Are you willing to persevere? How are you taking or expressing criticism of the work being done?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ten of Wands

Keywords & Phrases:
Heavy burden. Overload. Uphill struggle. Taking on too much responsibility. Being too willing to please. Overextending yourself. Believing there is always a price to pay. Resigned to being a workhorse. Feeling accountable. Struggling with your workload. Blocked thinking. A heavy weight. The fruit of one's labor. The weight of ambition. The burden of success. Work-related stress. Weighty responsibilities. Determination. Inability to delegate. Taking full responsibility. Buried in work. Pressure. Hard work. A demanding project. Heavy responsibilities. Striving for success. All work, no play. Biting off more than you can chew. Information overload. Creative blocks. Home stretch.

Whenever this card appears in a layout, it indicates that you have some kind of burden which you are carrying. Before you immediately put your finger on the cause - too much work, too much duty, too much anything - think about whether your perception of life is in need of a revamp. It is possible that you are so wrapped up in the normal "burdens" of life that you have no direction, no current goal, or just can't see where you're going.

This card signifies that it is time to lighten the load. To drop some of your tasks, delegate, cut back and take time out for pleasure and play. This card asks you to expand your awareness, and to see the value of other viewpoints or that letting go of the huge burden you've created for yourself won't mean you give up on yourself.

This is the card of the workaholic - and of the individual on a mission. You've assumed so much responsibility you feel burdened. You probably don't want to delegate because you believe the old age, "If you want something done right, do it yourself". However, you refuse to let your real or imagined responsibilities overshadow the joy of living.

This card has a double meaning. On the one hand, it is a card of richness and abundance, linked to its actual value, but also to good luck. On the other hand, the weight this fortune brings cannot be denied, and the limits of strength needed to sustain it. Perhaps this is because beautiful things cost effort.

You are struggling now to shoulder your load and meet your many commitments and responsibilities. You may have taken on too many responsibilities and are carrying a heavy load. You are in the final stretch and are wondering if you have enough energy to make it past the goal line. Despite the oppressiveness of your burden, you do have enough energy to complete the task.

Your ambition to succeed and receive acclaim drives you onward. You must, however, realize that you cannot do everything. Learn to delegate responsibility and do not take on more than you can handle. Otherwise, some of your plans will not proceed to completion. You need to develop a better appreciation of your limits.

Although greatly burdened, the man depicted in the Ten of Wands card struggles on. This card may be asking if we are overextended or pushing ourselves too hard, in which case we may need to lighten the load for the sake of our health and well-being.

The accumulated responsibilities you have taken on can hold you down and keep you from doing what you want or need to do. Prioritize your life. Concentrate on what is truly important, and discard the rest - at least for now.

It is hard enough to keep track of your own actions and their consequences. Trying to control or manipulate everyone around you is sheer madness. You just need to worry about you.

Before I was a goddess, I was a warrior. I was defeated and my strength is disappearing. I close my eyes, I let myself go and fly through the sky. I am Caenis, divinity of Greece.

What responsibilities are weighing heavily on your shoulders? What are you feeling burdened with? What is your goal? When will you get there? Who (or what) is restricting you and keeping you from manifesting your full radiant energy? Why have you taken on these responsibilities? How can you best use your powers and energies?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Knight of Cups

Keywords & Phrases:
Idealization. Emotional sensitivity. In love with love. Invitations to love. Romantic overflow. Being temperamental. Knight in shining armor. Emotional rescue. Dashing off to rescue someone. Exaggeration of feeling. Loves beauty but hates imperfection. Imaginative but unrealistic. Gushing sentiments. New relationships. Artistic talent. An important event related to relationships and emotional concerns. New experiences. A social invitation. Imagination. Intuition. Kindness. Empathy. Following your dream. Rose-colored glasses. Moodiness. Utopian idealism. To dream the impossible dream. Follow your bliss.

Whether you are the "knight in shining armor" yourself or the victim who needs to be rescued, you should check that your intentions, well-meaning or welcoming, are not an illusion. This card often turns up in a layout when we are not being honest about our feelings. Genuine self-questioning is always necessary with all of the Knight cards because they represent the extremes of their suit's energy.

He is part Don Quixote, a troubadour who brings social activities, romance, excitement and travel into your life. His charm is his greatest asset and his most powerful weapon. With it, he wins over his adversaries, converts people to his way of thinking, and moves through life with the grace of a fish. This knight's focus is on emotion and on the creativity that flows from it. He is usually warmhearted and communicative, but sometimes he's so caught up in his own head he seems evasive, too self-contained. If you annoy him, he won't tell you off; he'll simply tune you out.

A new kind of experience moves into your life. It buoys your spirits, stirs your compassion, and changes your beliefs about what is possible. This knight symbolizes the path with heart. Your tensions and loneliness ease as your emotions find an equilibrium that has been absent in recent months. You delve into your deepest beliefs and emotions and reach an understanding about how they create what you experience.

The Fey knight who rises from the sea finds himself on the boundaries of pure sentiment and his strong natural aggression. For this reason he debates between the chalice and the sword. He can choose whether to deceive and receive love without giving it in exchange, playing a game with emotions without participating, or else he can choose to risk and become involved, renouncing his strength and all his advantages.

The Knight of Cups is a visionary. Being a Knight, however, he tends to be active and unpredictable, and because this is a Cups card, his volatility is typically in the domain of his emotions. He also acts upon his intuition and gut feelings. Thus, he can be romantic and sensitive, but he may be temperamental and moody as well. Among this Knight's better qualities is his serenity. He is apt to stop and reflect upon his feelings, and reevaluate and reintegrate them before moving on.

Pause to reflect on your vision for your life and where it is taking you. Then act upon the intuitive wisdom of your heart.

I am always traveling and I bring messages of peace, love, harmony, and progress to the entire world. I am Epona, Celtic goddess of horses and herds.

There is something brave and beautiful about rushing headlong into love, about giving all of yourself with your whole heart. Brave and beautiful, but not without its risks.

What dream, vision, ideal, or love are you following? Who is inviting you on a journey of emotional significance?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Four of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Repose. Temporary retreat. Contemplation. Truce. Inner fears. Emotional ghosts from the past. Making time for yourself to be alone. Finding your own space. Relaxing and taking it easy. Standing back and reviewing the situation. Preparing for the future. Taking stock of your objections. Slowing down. Respite. Recharging your batteries. The need for rest and relaxation. A slow period. Recuperation. Recovery. Regrouping. Inactivity. A welcome break. A needed holiday. Solitude. Meditation. Introspection. Contemplation. Reevaluation. Getting away from it all. Need for healing. A problem or dilemma being worked on. Illness. Retreat. Rest and recovery. Taking time out. Under pressure. Respite from stress. Organizing thoughts. Prioritizing.

The Four of Swords has two distinct interpretations: first, that our own past presents us from moving on. We feel stuck, paralyzed by our fears and self-doubt generated by failures, pains, disappointments, or betrayals of the past. It is important to look at these fears in the cold light of day and they will soon disappear. The second interpretation is that confrontation with others is not appropriate right now. Instead of rushing in to make a decision or forcing an issue, stand back, retreat, find time to think things through or contemplate the true nature of your current situation.

Your strength is exhausted and circumstances conspire to force you to slow down or temporarily drop out and rest. For now you're stuck in neutral. This break in your activities is long overdue; use it to revitalize yourself. Take a vacation, go on a retreat, or just relax and get in touch with your inner self. Put all your concerns to one side and take time out. You'll emerge renewed and refreshed.

Feeling stressed out? A temporary truce is in order. Now is the time to take a break and rest after a period of struggle or conflict. You need a period of renewal to calm your mind and rejuvenate your body. Now is a time to relax and regroup your forces. Obtaining distance from your daily routine will help put matters in perspective.

There is a very serene quality to this card, implying meanings like rest, recuperation, retreat, meditation, introspection, and contemplation. It may advise withdrawing in order to gather up resources before returning to our quest or conflict, such as the quiet, focused concentration of an athlete prior to a competition. The swords in this image that are set aside may indicate the setting aside of conflict.

Everywhere, troubles of every sort surround and follow you. There is only one sensible course of action. Find a peaceful spot and give yourself over to it. Rest and ground yourself. Then deal with all of the problems.

Solitude is sweet only when it is not accompanied by remorse, regrets, and sacrifices. Mine is a bitter solitude. My name is Chang-O and I am a Chinese goddess.

From what do you need to rest or retreat? Where do you need to focus your energies in order to recuperate your strength? What do you need to do to gain a better perspective and to be fair and just in the situation? What kind of professional assistance would help most?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ace of Cups

Keywords & Phrases:
Love. Deep feeling. New romance. Intimacy. Beginning of new love or awareness. Expressing your feelings. Being in touch with your emotions. Infatuation with something or someone. Establishing new bonds. Feelings developing. Desire for a deeper connection. Emotional renewal. Force of the element water. Power of the imagination. Stirrings of the heart. Emotional and spiritual nourishment. Kindness. Friendship. Happiness. Peace. Sensitivity. Contemplation. Art. Poetry. Abundance. Tender feelings. Compassion. Romance. Empathy. The beginning of love, pleasure. The opening of psychic, spiritual, or unconscious channels. Receptivity. New opportunities for love and relationships. Overflowing feelings.

When you draw the Ace of Cups, the early stages of love or romance are indicated. You may find your feelings have intensified, or that you are falling head over heels in love with someone or something. We can just as easily become infatuated by an idea as we are by a lover. If you are already attached, there may be a stronger bond developing between you, or emotional needs to be expressed. If you draw this card, look at the aspects of your life where love might be lacking or working for you.

If you're single and uncommitted, a new love affair is on the way. If you're already involved, expect a passionate renewal of your relationship. This ace is a symbol of love that is intrinsically spiritual, which connects us to something larger than ourselves. Think newness with this card - new love, new start, new appreciation for life, new fortune, new opportunities, joy, a spiritual awakening. A happy situation is about to start or is already in the beginning stages. In conflicts between heart and mind, you follow your heart.

The first natural act that occurs when one feels an emotion is to offer. In this manner the Ace of Cups is a gift, the feeling that surges, born from nothing and submerged by everything in its simplicity.

The Ace of Cups indicates a new beginning in your emotional life. You may be entering into a new relationship that could lead to marriage, lasting friendship, or a close emotional tie. You are about to be blessed with love and happiness.

The Ace of Cups may signal the beginning of an emotional situation, such as a new relationship, a wedding, a birth, or the healing of an emotional rift between two people. It can indicate love, empathy, and compassion for others, or the peaceful serenity of such feelings. Indeed, being in the suit of Cups, it says that the truest blessings are those born of our loving relationships. This Ace also may advise us to trust our feelings and to follow the dictates of our heart.

On the other hand, the Ace of Cups can warn us of drowning ourselves in a relationship, and consequently shutting out our friends or ignoring our responsibilities. Also, it may warn us against having a completely emotional response to a situation, which can wash us away in a torrent of feelings.

A beginning, in love as in work, should not cause illusions or stop us from searching for new opportunities.

I am the divine source, life and regeneration. My name is Habondia, and I am the Celtic goddess of abundance, feelings, and fertility.

Are you really in touch with your own feelings? Is it time to open up, get closer to a friend, sympathize with others? Are you giving too freely? What is making you feel good right now? What would you like to do to indulge yourself? What or who is offering you nurturing or love? What messages are you receiving from dreams and visions? What does your heart feel most open to? How can I express myself abilities with more feeling? Am I open to new relationships?