Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wheel of Fortune

Originally posted 3/22.

Keywords & Phrases:
Change. Cycles. The wheel turns. Movement. Fate. Destiny. Progress. New doors open. The ups-and-downs of fortune. The end of one phase & the beginning of another. New chapters. Lady luck. Karma. Improving circumstances. The wheel of life. Turning point. Something unexpected. Serendipity. Go with the flow. The circle of life. This too shall pass. Transformation. Moving onward. Evolution. Opportunity. Metamorphosis. Moving on. Cause and effect. Inevitability. Timing. Turning point. Personal vision. Uncovering patterns and cycles.

You are now entering a new cycle involving a fortunate set of circumstances that promise beneficial change and continuing progress. Forces in motion stimulate change and growth. Rapid changes offer new opportunities to improve your life. A chance circumstance may bring an end to past difficulties and herald a period of good fortune and success.

Our trials and tribulations, as well as our boons and good fortune, are all part of the greater cycle of life, and it also counsels us to deal with change through understanding, acceptance, and adaptation.

The Wheel of Fortune will turn and go and stop however it wishes. Although your actions power it, you can have no idea what really will come. So you may as well have fun while you're at it.

That which has will be again. The eternal cycles of life dominate our destiny.

Everything turns, time turns the reasons and the alternating fortunes of man. The wind turns and destiny turns, and everything is created and falls apart. Nothing in the material world is forever. But once the loss of things is accepted, then new things are born and change and evolution is accepted.

The Wheel of Fortune is all about luck and chance, but we can have good fortune and bad fortune - it is up to you to make choices that will lead to improving your sense of well-being or lifestyle. When you draw this card, the Wheel signifies that, even though you are part of the greater cycle or universal or collective energies, destiny is about taking responsibility for your actions rather than blaming those actions on "fate".

In readings, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate a vision or realization that strikes with great force. If you've been struggling with a problem or tough situation, this card can signal that you will find the answer if you stand back and view everything from a larger perspective. This card also represents unexpected encounters and twists of fate.

I am Arianrhod, Welsh goddess and lady of karma. Your destiny is my silver wheel that turns continuously, one moment in your favor, the next against you.

What life changes are you experiencing? How are you adapting to these changes? What effects are you feeling from circumstances you put in motion previously? Is there something you need to resolve? How are your horizons expanding? Are you prepared to go with the flow? Am I alerted to unexpected opportunities when they knock?

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