Thursday, March 24, 2011

Four of Cups

Originally posted 3/23.

Keywords & Phrases:
Self-absorption. Emotional withdrawal. Ennui. Boredom. Melancholy. Apathy. Stuck in an emotional rut. Not being fulfilled. Misplaced blame. Discontent. Boredom. Social isolation. Reassessment. Reevaluation. Turning inward. Lost in thought. Distraction. Anticlimax. Something is missing. An empty feeling inside. Feeling jaded. Introversion. Looking within. Lack of motivation. The honeymoon is over. The grass is greener on the other side. Burnt out. Narcissism. Time out. Resignation. Waiting. Lack of stimulus. Satiety. Sleep. Restlessness. Dissatisfaction. Seeking after novelty. Loss of interest. Looking for what you already have. Meditation. Loneliness. Rest. Weariness. Aversion. Daydreams. Doubt. Hesitation. Introspection. Lack of relationship to oneself. Taking things personally. Self-questioning. Not seeing what is available. Lacking initiative. Passive.

Suffused with apathy, you don't recognize new opportunity when it's presented. You have a lot going for you, but are too full of discontent and self-pity to appreciate what you've got. You have choices but consider them to be without merit. It is time to reevaluate your relationships and life.

You may have withdrawn into yourself because of discontent with some aspect of your life. Everything seems stale and unsatisfying. This is a time of needed reassessment. The danger of this position is that you don't see the good that surrounds you. The novelty has worn off and you are contemplating new sources of stimulation. Don't rush, but rather take time to meditate and contemplate before proceeding.

The answers to the questions that trouble us most are often hidden very close to us or in our hearts.

This card demonstrates the contradictions between two aspects of man's nature. On the one hand, things have their intrinsic value and are a source of happiness. On the other hand, when there is no change things often become boring and dissatisfying. With emotions, like anything else, man looks for stimulus and not the perfect 'answer' to his needs.

This is a time when we close in on ourselves, put up the barriers, shut the curtains, retreat from the world and withhold feelings or even thoughts. This is when we are at our most introverted, and can - ironically - be hugely creative if we are conscious of our motivations for being so. The problem is, unless we see it as a chance for enlightenment, psychological insight or self-healing, we often lose the point and think only of our losses, see only our sorrows, and thus lose any chance of relating to ourselves.

When you draw this card, don't take everything personally. Don't feel you are the only one who hurts, the only one to blame, the only one who isn't loved. Your life may seem dull and uninteresting, you may feel washed along the shore and that you can't make an effort to do anything, feel anything or care for anyone else. This apathy suggests you are emotionally stuck, that right now you need to open your eyes and see what if offered to you; that soon will be able to focus on your goals and good feelings will return if you make the effort. Take time to reflect, but do so in a positive way. Knowing what you want is the first step toward getting it, so examine, evaluate, and don't fear your widening vision.

The Four of Cups can represent a positive period of self-reflection and renewal. By taking the time to go within to dream, muse, and reflect, you restore your emotional balance. The card can also be a sign of apathy. You don't really care much about anything. Your life seems stale and flat because you've lost interest in the activities that used to bring you pleasure. You're not motivated to make much of an effort in any direction. At such times, the card can show you that you're emotionally stuck. Open yourself to your surroundings - soon you will be on your way again.

My name is Pandora and Greece is my land. I possess the greatest riches but I am not happy. Boredom, monotony, and dissatisfaction oppress me.

What am I feeling? How can I be more realistic in my expectations of myself and others? Do I already have what I'm looking for? How do I feel dissatisfied? Where do I go to find peace and serenity? How is this time of withdrawal and contemplation benefiting you? What are you re-evaluating in your life and relationships? What are you fantasizing about and what can you do to realize your fantasies?

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