Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Tower

Keywords & Phrases:
Collapse of a structure. A bolt from the blue. End of an old way of life. Necessary change. Modification. Disruption. A jolting insight. Eureka moment. A striking revelation. Major transformation. A crisis point. A surprise. Unavoidable change. Release from bondage. Structural flaws. The death of an illusion. Liberation. Breaking free. Shocking spiritual enlightenment. Purging. Rapid change. Darkness dispelled. An illuminating flash that sets you free. Shattering false beliefs. Enlightenment. Separating the chaff from the wheat. A moment of truth. The walls come tumbling down. False security. Shattered pride. Crisis. Downfall. Collapse of certainty, of habits, of confidence. Defenses that fail, walls that shatter, doors that are flung open. Freedom from ignorance. Breakthrough. Revelation. Breakdown of the old to herald the new. Learn to adapt and adjust quickly. Unexpected challenges. Suddenly seeing the truth of the matter. Dramatic upheaval. Sudden change.

The appearance of the Tower in a spread often heralds swift, shocking, and dramatic change. The usual structures of your life begin to crumble, and you must deal with the collapse of an old way of life. The upheaval associated with this card involves a moment of truth that forces you to rid yourself of false life structures and identify what you truly value. The structures imprisoning you must be shattered before you achieve enlightenment. The old order must dissolve to make way for the new. Unsound structures will come tumbling down.

Sudden and unexpected life changes form the core of the Tower's meaning. These changes seem to crash into your life out of nowhere. But if you're entirely honest with yourself about what you believe and the patterns you have set into motion in your life, you realize this card has appeared because of an inner urge to break free. The overthrow of existing conditions brings new opportunity and a fresh start.

Abrupt and unexpected though it may be, the change in one's life indicated by this card is often cleansing, cathartic, and liberating. It can be the proverbial kick in the butt we need to get us out of a bad or stagnant situation. Learn what we can from this change,  and see what order you can bring out of the resultant chaos. Hold on, persevere, and ride it out. Such experiences require faith and courage, but they can be very rewarding if we let them be.

When an important change is taking place, the only way to deal with the inevitable problems is to focus on the benefits that it will bring.

Things that were made one day are no longer. In as much as things can be trusted to time, it will devour them slowly and make them disappear. This is not a cause for anxiety, but of understanding the ephemeral, because everything vanishes; that does not mean it was in vein. The Fey closed in the tower watches the foundation of her house collapse and accepts that the world - today - is greater than her, and laughs.

Whatever happens can seem as if it is fated, that you are not responsible. But the Tower represents the structure you have built securely around yourself, your defense system, a crumbling old lighthouse warning danger. Sometimes locked within the many rooms of your lighthouse or tower are things that need throwing out, a de-clutter of emotions and feelings that no longer serve your current purpose.

The Tower's lightning strike is there to remind us that something needs to change. The inner world is just as unsafe as the outer and now is the time to be catapulted into awareness and be liberated from the old and worn out. This card asks you to welcome new challenges rather than avoid them. Rebuild from renewed strength and reach a new level of understanding about your self and your situation.

Sudden crises are life's way of telling you to wake up. How you respond to the Tower's change makes all the difference in how uncomfortable the experience will be. Recognize that the disruption occurred because it was needed. Perhaps embracing the change is too much to ask, but try to find the positive in it. You may have a burst of insight about your situation and reach a new level of understanding about it.

Self-importance, tyranny, and ignorance sparked the battle and caused many deaths. I am here to feed on their pain. I am Morrigan, Celtic goddess of war and destruction.

How are you improving and restructuring yourself and your environment? What are you angry about? What structures in your life are breaking up? What has shattered your complacency? What sudden realization have you had? Are you holding onto beliefs that complicate my situation?

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