Sunday, March 27, 2011

Queen of Wands

Keywords & Phrases:
Career woman. Balanced family and career interests. Queen of hearth and home. Joie de vivre (love of life). Majesty. Ambition. Center of attention. Popularity. Self-assertion. Demonstrativeness. Competence. Leadership ability. Versatility. Passion. Energy. Warmth. Vivacity. Courage. Confidence. Foresight. The power of positive thinking. Recognizes her personal power. Displays self-confidence, generosity, burning passions, and intense desires. Behaves spontaneously and has a quick temper. Utilizes her creative energies and inspires them in others. Love of happiness. Magnetic. Attractive. Optimistic. Self-assured. Upbeat. Dedicated to a task. Friendly and easygoing. Wholeheartedly involved. Charismatic and creative. Undaunted by a challenge. Brightens up the atmosphere. Creator. Cultivator. Healer. Generous spirit.

She is businesslike and exuberant about everything she does. She seems to have inexhaustible reserves of energy, has a flair for drama, and is passionate about things she believes in. Her temperamental behavior infuriates even the closest to her, but it's simply part of who she is. Accept it because she isn't going to change. You, like she does, possess the energy and enthusiasm to create the life you desire.

The Queen is happy and warm, and she has a sunny disposition. She may be someone who can give us insights into our problems, or someone who will support us in an adventure or enterprise. She is likely to be inspirational and encouraging - a cheerleader and a morale booster. This queen always looks to the bright side of things. She may be independent in her relationships, wanting things on her own terms. You should concentrate on being cheerful, friendly, and gregarious.

The energy, independence of thought, kindness, and generosity of the Queen of Wands promises a successful outcome to any venture she initiates.

Authority and self-confidence can be acquired when we live in harmony with the people around us.

In a reading, the Queen of Wands asks you to think and feel as she does - be enthusiastic, self-assured, energetic, cheerful, and wholehearted.

My soul is benevolent and merciful. My heart is open and sincere. My suffering was my illumination. I am Kuan Yin, Chinese goddess of compassion.

How are you expressing your creative energies? Who is giving you lots of good advice and energy? When do you feel powerful and passionate? Who is strong-willed and protective? Do I follow my hunches? Do I take the time to be creative? How can I take charge of my own life?

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