Friday, March 25, 2011

Eight of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
The paralysis of analysis. Restriction. Feeling trapped. An oppressive environment. Lack of empowerment. Blockage. Bondage. Forced restraint. A vicious circle. Lack of self-assertion. Isolation. Fear of the unknown. Inhibited energy. Inability to move. Feeling boxed in. Intellectual imprisonment. Caught in a vice. Holding yourself back. Lacking confidence to proceed. Problems with communication. Trapped by fear. Stuck in a difficult situation. Worry. Censure. Emotional pain. Hard times. Self-induced unhappiness. Confusion. Misunderstanding. Indecision. Paralysis. Lack of faith in yourself. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Too many ideas with no direction. Blocked energy or creativity. Waiting to be rescued. Self-sabotaging mind. Feeling fenced in. Lack of freedom to choose. Scattered ideas and no direction. "The Houdini card."

This card evokes an impression of being trapped, powerless, or victimized. It may indicate someone whose personal power is hampered or restricted, or it could indicate mental bondage. When this card comes up, it is reasonable to wonder if the problem at hand might have an aspect of self-imposed limitations.

You're holding yourself back from living life to the fullest. You project your fears and inhibitions into your surroundings, then you view them as obstacles. The limitations you perceive don't lie in the outer world. They are projections of your own inner apprehension and anxiety. Paralyzed by the fear of the unknown, you're afraid to break the chains that bind you. Although you feel you're in an impossible situation, there is a way out. Remove your blinders and expand your ideas of what is possible. Change your negative beliefs and you'll change your life.

The Eight of Swords represents fear, blockage, limitation and restriction that are often self-imposed. You feel boxed in, trapped, and unable to move. You may be acting as your own worst enemy because of your fear of the unknown and your reluctance to try something new or to assert yourself. You are stuck in a rut of your own making. Your ability to communicate may be temporarily impaired. You feel limited by circumstances, but the more important limitations are caused by your own refusal to open your mind to the truth of the situation. You must face your fears before you can make an important decision. With courage you can transcend your anxieties and resolve the problems that surround you. If you can't see clearly, this is a time to seek wise counsel and heed sound advice.

To free ourselves of the difficulties that hold us in chains we must first understand what is really important for us.

When we are under pressure, under attack, or victim of an injustice, we should not cry and want to be saved. Instead we should react, be strong, and never renounce our own identity.

You will not be paralyzed by your own fear forever if you drop "I can't" and "Yes, but" from your vocabulary. You have the power of choice.

This card suggests that you need to focus and to find clarity, rather than assume you will find someone to rescue you from your victimized feelings. Unfortunately, no one can rescue us from ourselves. Solutions aren't easy, but they are there, and if you open yourself to possibilities you won't have to play the victim either.

When you see this card, remember that you do have choices, and you do have power. No matter how trapped you feel, you can find a way out if you believe it is possible. The young girl in the picture could free herself - she could wriggle free, tear off the blindfold, and kick down those swords. Solutions are not always easy, but they exist. Find your clarity of thought and purpose and use them to take that first step towards home.

Slander and humiliation, condemnation and imprisonment. My fate is sealed, Hades awaits me. I am Persephone, Greek goddess of the hereafter.

Are we being restricted by confusion, indecision, or a lack of confidence or vision? Do we have a victim mentality? Have we given away our personal power to someone? What am I avoiding? What can I do to take back my own power? What actions, plans, or ideas are being blocked by forces beyond your control? What would you like to do if you could get rid of the obstacles and blocks? Who or what could assist you to break free? What benefits do you receive by not acting? What is interfering with your creative expression or your ability to communicate?

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