Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Emperor

Keywords & Phrases:
Structure. Authority. Regulation. Creating order out of chaos. Providing shape and form. Being organized. Applying reason. Coordinating. Sticking to a plan. Taking a leadership role. Commanding. Exerting control. Representing the establishment. Being in a position of strength. Setting direction. Establishing law and order. Power. Leadership. The power of reason. Orderly chaos. Establishing laws or family values. Taking control of a situation. Structured thought. Sticking to the rules. The animus. Ambition to reach the pinnacle of success. Confidence. Beginning and initiating new things. Action to the road to fulfillment. Life, passion, vision. Ordering, planning, building. Ordering your thoughts and energies. Seeking stability. Creating a stable situation in which to function. Relying on reason, power, and stabilization. The world of grownups. Masculine power and control. Self-assertion. Status. Dealing with authority. The outer world. The structures of society. The order we impose upon the world. The drive for achievement, success, respect, and stability. The impulse to create something of lasting value. Logic. Becoming your own person. Rational understanding. Facing the music.

The Emperor represents structure, order, and regulation. He advocates a four-square world where trains are on time and games are played by rules. In chaotic situations, the Emperor can indicate the need for organization. Loose ends should be tied up, and wayward elements should be harnessed.

This card represents the masculine principle, the archetype of authority, fatherhood and leadership. When your inner Emperor is activated, you are ambitious and can manage your affairs efficiently. The Emperor reminds you that structure, organization, and the rulebook will get you the best results.

The Emperor suggests that you have the ability to use rational thought and direct action to achieve worldly success. This is a card of respect, stability, solidity, governance, and rationality. It shows you becoming your own person as you establish yourself in the world. Now is the time to act responsibly and organize a structured, stable environment.

He represents the order in our lives, the authority figures: bosses, fathers, government, police, courts, and society in general. He's about logic, reasoning, left-brain thinking, solidity, foundations. Part of the Emperor's work is to organize clusters of our root beliefs into conscious framework. Something you desire is starting to appear in your life, even if you can't see it yet. Your greatest strength is the desire of your will. You view every obstacle as a challenge. Through focused intent, you create the conditions conducive to finding and realizing your heart's desire, whatever it may be.

On a personal level, the Emperor can indicate structure, stability, and order in our lives. He tells us that in order to have a measure of control over the world around us, we first must be able to control ourselves; we must learn and practice self-discipline and self-control. He makes logical decisions based on reason. The Emperor is an authority figure whose domain encompasses secular issues (versus religious matters, about which the Hierophant is concerned). As such he is controlling, defining, and decision-making, generally exerting strong leadership. He can represent society as a whole, or he may be the embodiment of the social structure - either the abstract concept of it or a person who maintains that structure. Thus, the Emperor deals with the laws of society and the enforcement of them.

Consider something in your life that seems disordered or unmanageable, and then consider how this reflects a problematic aspect of yourself. It may be that you need more self-discipline, better time management, or a more orderly thought process. Commit to making an effort toward such self-improvement.

The Emperor is lord of the material world. He completes the Empress and is completed by her. He exercises his dominion guided by necessity and need, not by ambition. In the heart of the Emperor is the masculine principle of dominion. Pride is one of his defenses, as the burden of command weighs on his shoulders, and he is always ready for war and conflict.

I protect my country, I govern with justice and fight with valor. I am Athena, the supreme Greek goddess of battles, power, ingenuity and skill.

The Emperor is perfectly balanced with everything in proper little boxes. He can move smoothly through any environment, always keep chaos at bay.

To be authoritative we must be recognized as such and committed to building what we have promised.

Where do your ambitions lie? What are you organizing, building, doing? What kind of Emperor are you - energetic and imaginative, or rigid and unreceptive? Who is establishing guidelines, parameters, and structures in your life? Who has the power and authority, and how is it being used?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Five of Cups

Keywords & Phrases:
Loss. Disappointment. Emotional confusion. Regret. Feeling deprived of love. Having something taken from you. Feeling sad & grieving. Regrets over lost opportunities. Change in priorities. Acceptance of what is. Emotional resistance to change. Wishing you could change the past. Emotional imbalance. Progress hindered. Loss of harmony. Temporary delay. Learning from mistakes and experience. Crossing a bridge. Moving on. Mourning. Brooding. Overturned emotions. Poor communication. Loss of trust. Exaggerated pessimism. Anxiety over separation. Salvaging what remains. Separation. Something lost, but something remains. Recovering what was of value. Comprehension of just proportions. Bereavement.

The subject of loss is one we don't handle very easily. This card seems negative in its associations, but there is a positive interpretation to loss, too. Again it is our projection of our fears or doubts that cause us to take this card as a bad penny when it comes up in any reading. Rather like "Death", this card suggests it is timely to let go of our attachments, to not fear the loss of one thing that will soon be replaced by another. It invites you to embrace change and go with the flow.

You have suffered a loss or disappointment. You may feel abandoned or betrayed by a loved one. Not all is lost, however. Something remains to be salvaged from the situation. You can either focus on the glass being half-empty or half-full.

The bottom line is that it's time to pick up the pieces and move on.

Even when we lose, we gain the experience of defeat and it may turn out useful for attaining future victories.

There are times when our hearts feel empty, like we've lost that which is most dear. It is best to lay with the loss, let the soul rest. Often, afterwards, we see that perhaps all was not really lost.

A happy ending is not necessarily the one we expect but can occur in a banal, more realistic way.

The Five of Cups refers to that time when the pain of a loss is most acute. In readings, the Five of Cups can alert you up the possibility of a loss and its associated emotions - sorrow, regret, denial. You may feel discouraged by this card, but it does have a positive side. Every loss opens new possibilities for growth because every loss initiates change. Loss hurts because it is our emotional resistance to change.

I am Latona, the Roman goddess of exile. First envied, then slandered and finally banished to this beach. I am far from everything but near the hopeful eyes of my children.

What seems lost or down the drain? What do you despair over? What are you disillusioned or disappointed with? What do you feel sorry about? What are some possible alternatives to what you've lost? What awaits your attention? What have you learned from your mistakes?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Nine of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
Depression. Suffering. Guilt. Putting yourself down. Nightmares. Insomnia. Mental torments. Despair. Shame. Conscience. Remorse. Doubt. Fears. Failure. Isolation. Imagining the worst. Sad, sleepless nights. Worry. Extreme stress. Anxiety. Anguish. Pain. Feeling useless or overwhelmed. Brooding. Lack of confidence. Gloom and doom. Sorrow. Overwhelmed by negativity. Overburdened by thoughts. Feeling you have done something wrong. Wishing "if only". Regretting the past. Obsessive sorrow. Feeling vulnerable. Self-destructive tendencies. Abandonment. Desperation.

The Nine of Swords is the nightmare card. Your sleep may be disturbed as you deal with some vexing matter. You may be plagued by fear, guilt, doubt, and worries that are - to a large extent - unfounded. The difficulties you imagine may not appear so bleak when they see the light of day. The suffering you feel is the aftermath of previous difficult circumstances.

This card can indicate worry or despair. In the midst of such suffering, it is hard not to feel as thought life is hopeless. However, this card may also indicate the tortures we put ourselves through when we surrender to our unreasonable fears. It can be the feeling we get when we wake in the middle of the night worrying about something, even though things inevitably do not turn out to be that bad in the morning. When this card turns up, remember that "the darkest hour is just before dawn", and that fear and worry are the biggest part of our problems. Also, a cure for fear is hope - so instead of focusing on the horrors of your problems, start concentrating on solutions to them.

By acknowledging feelings of sorrow, disappointment, shame, and disillusion, you take the first step towards releasing them.

Like shadows, the demons inside us always seem larger and more threatening than they really are.

We can rise and see the light of day from the depths of despair and our greatest fears and woes. We all have nights when we toss and turn, our thoughts get out of proportion, we blame ourselves, blame others, worry about our actions and flounder in our doubts. The Nine of Swords basically reminds you that it is the time to refocus your goals, because just a little tweak here and there could make a big difference.

Again Swords are given the unpleasant task of handling and describing the human soul's relationship with pain. Pain hurts but it is part of life and we must not flee it, ignore it, or negate it. When it comes, pain is real and true, and we must accept this. This card deals with remorse, responsibility, and loss. It describes the moment when not only is there no hope, we do not even want to hope. We wait only for the pain to stop, in the worst and most terrible way. Hope, however, does not just depend on us. It is there even if we cannot see it, and pain is not able to shut every door and close every light. Not even the pain that comes from within and seems to swallow everything.

The Nine of Swords represents the pain we generate from within; what tortures we put ourselves through when our fears and doubts overwhelm us. Needless to say, the Nine of Swords is not the most pleasant of cards, but it doesn't always indicate major distress. Often it is just a sign of some element of unhappiness or trouble - a vulnerable spot in your life. Use the card as a 'caution' sign.

I disturb your sleep with terrible nightmares. I heap upon you the hate, fear, envy, and wickedness that consume me. I am Ate, the Greek goddess of insanity and misfortune.

How are you putting yourself down? What is the source of your depression? What nightmares do you need to confront? What are you suffering from? What can you do to improve the situation? What is reality and what is a nightmare? How realistic are my fears? Am I willing to be patient enough to heal?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Queen of Wands

Keywords & Phrases:
Career woman. Balanced family and career interests. Queen of hearth and home. Joie de vivre (love of life). Majesty. Ambition. Center of attention. Popularity. Self-assertion. Demonstrativeness. Competence. Leadership ability. Versatility. Passion. Energy. Warmth. Vivacity. Courage. Confidence. Foresight. The power of positive thinking. Recognizes her personal power. Displays self-confidence, generosity, burning passions, and intense desires. Behaves spontaneously and has a quick temper. Utilizes her creative energies and inspires them in others. Love of happiness. Magnetic. Attractive. Optimistic. Self-assured. Upbeat. Dedicated to a task. Friendly and easygoing. Wholeheartedly involved. Charismatic and creative. Undaunted by a challenge. Brightens up the atmosphere. Creator. Cultivator. Healer. Generous spirit.

She is businesslike and exuberant about everything she does. She seems to have inexhaustible reserves of energy, has a flair for drama, and is passionate about things she believes in. Her temperamental behavior infuriates even the closest to her, but it's simply part of who she is. Accept it because she isn't going to change. You, like she does, possess the energy and enthusiasm to create the life you desire.

The Queen is happy and warm, and she has a sunny disposition. She may be someone who can give us insights into our problems, or someone who will support us in an adventure or enterprise. She is likely to be inspirational and encouraging - a cheerleader and a morale booster. This queen always looks to the bright side of things. She may be independent in her relationships, wanting things on her own terms. You should concentrate on being cheerful, friendly, and gregarious.

The energy, independence of thought, kindness, and generosity of the Queen of Wands promises a successful outcome to any venture she initiates.

Authority and self-confidence can be acquired when we live in harmony with the people around us.

In a reading, the Queen of Wands asks you to think and feel as she does - be enthusiastic, self-assured, energetic, cheerful, and wholehearted.

My soul is benevolent and merciful. My heart is open and sincere. My suffering was my illumination. I am Kuan Yin, Chinese goddess of compassion.

How are you expressing your creative energies? Who is giving you lots of good advice and energy? When do you feel powerful and passionate? Who is strong-willed and protective? Do I follow my hunches? Do I take the time to be creative? How can I take charge of my own life?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Eight of Pentacles

Keywords & Phrases:
The work card. Apprenticeship. Talent. Education. Craftsmanship. Job training. Study. Self-improvement. Schooling. Learning. Acquiring skills. Enthusiasm about work. Working hard to perfect a skill. Work-study program. Absorption and pleasure in work. A new job. Good use of talents. Applied effort. A fulfilling hobby or avocation. Working on a project. Preparation for the future. Prudence. Diligence. Dedication. Perseverance. If you're going to do a job, do it right. Skill. Hard work. Productivity. Meticulousness. Care over details. Management of assets. Creating something that is meant to last. Self-discipline. Preparation. Quality control. Persistence. Step-by-step development. Knowledge. Patient production. Perseverance paying off. Training for a new skill. Widening your knowledge.

The Eight of Pentacles suggests that your work will be fulfilling and enjoyable. You will use your skills wisely. If you are starting a new job, you will settle in easily and find the work absorbing. Your heart is in your work, and you may be up for a promotion. You have the opportunity to enter a phase of apprenticeship to develop your talents. Your time and effort will pay off.

You can turn a talent, hobby, or interest into a new career. You're an apprentice now and you're loving every minute of it. You tackle a long-term task with excellent future prospects. Hard work and practical ideas have gotten you this far; good luck carries you the rest of the way. You take pride in everything you do, and it shows.

To labor with humility, never thinking we have achieved our goal, is the best way to obtain great results.

The creation of things is no small matter. By application, something that did not exist before, takes shape. It could be a work of art, but also any other form of creation. The link between the material and the possibility to shape it is a very important type of intuition. Only via this perception can a creator actually generate something that is the fruit of his labors.

We work, we get down to the nitty-gritty, we pay attention to detail. Then sometimes we don't. When this card appears in a spread, it signifies that now is the time to get on with it. Concentrate all your energy on getting the job done, whatever it is. Attend to your relationship, check the facts, read between the lines and give all of your time to the task at hand. This card implies that you must persevere at all costs and the more you give out, the more you put into your work, belief, relationship or problem, the more successful the outcome will be.

The Eight of Pentacles suggests that repetition and daily routines need to change so that you can shift into another gear. Time to add variety to your life in some way so you don't get bogged down in the same old thing. Take up a new skill, learn new techniques, make an effort to improve your knowledge.

This card often implies a time of great diligence and focus. Just buckle down and get to work. Fortunately, this kind of work is invigorating and leads to superb results. The labor of the Eight of Pentacles is deeply satisfying and productive. The card can also symbolize the impulse to learn - to broaden horizons. Sometimes we need to develop new skills. We seek external knowledge - the how and why of the material world. Now is not the time to be slipshod or casual. Look for errors, and tie up loose ends. The key to success is an extraordinary effort.

The most ordinary of clay, shaped by expert hands, can be transformed into life. I am Nu Gua, goddess of ancient China, creator of humanity.

What are you working on? What skill or craft are you learning? What details do you need to examine and take care of? How can you create a regular time and place to work? What preparations do you need to make? What do I need to do to feel more satisfied with my life and work?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Eight of Swords

Keywords & Phrases:
The paralysis of analysis. Restriction. Feeling trapped. An oppressive environment. Lack of empowerment. Blockage. Bondage. Forced restraint. A vicious circle. Lack of self-assertion. Isolation. Fear of the unknown. Inhibited energy. Inability to move. Feeling boxed in. Intellectual imprisonment. Caught in a vice. Holding yourself back. Lacking confidence to proceed. Problems with communication. Trapped by fear. Stuck in a difficult situation. Worry. Censure. Emotional pain. Hard times. Self-induced unhappiness. Confusion. Misunderstanding. Indecision. Paralysis. Lack of faith in yourself. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Too many ideas with no direction. Blocked energy or creativity. Waiting to be rescued. Self-sabotaging mind. Feeling fenced in. Lack of freedom to choose. Scattered ideas and no direction. "The Houdini card."

This card evokes an impression of being trapped, powerless, or victimized. It may indicate someone whose personal power is hampered or restricted, or it could indicate mental bondage. When this card comes up, it is reasonable to wonder if the problem at hand might have an aspect of self-imposed limitations.

You're holding yourself back from living life to the fullest. You project your fears and inhibitions into your surroundings, then you view them as obstacles. The limitations you perceive don't lie in the outer world. They are projections of your own inner apprehension and anxiety. Paralyzed by the fear of the unknown, you're afraid to break the chains that bind you. Although you feel you're in an impossible situation, there is a way out. Remove your blinders and expand your ideas of what is possible. Change your negative beliefs and you'll change your life.

The Eight of Swords represents fear, blockage, limitation and restriction that are often self-imposed. You feel boxed in, trapped, and unable to move. You may be acting as your own worst enemy because of your fear of the unknown and your reluctance to try something new or to assert yourself. You are stuck in a rut of your own making. Your ability to communicate may be temporarily impaired. You feel limited by circumstances, but the more important limitations are caused by your own refusal to open your mind to the truth of the situation. You must face your fears before you can make an important decision. With courage you can transcend your anxieties and resolve the problems that surround you. If you can't see clearly, this is a time to seek wise counsel and heed sound advice.

To free ourselves of the difficulties that hold us in chains we must first understand what is really important for us.

When we are under pressure, under attack, or victim of an injustice, we should not cry and want to be saved. Instead we should react, be strong, and never renounce our own identity.

You will not be paralyzed by your own fear forever if you drop "I can't" and "Yes, but" from your vocabulary. You have the power of choice.

This card suggests that you need to focus and to find clarity, rather than assume you will find someone to rescue you from your victimized feelings. Unfortunately, no one can rescue us from ourselves. Solutions aren't easy, but they are there, and if you open yourself to possibilities you won't have to play the victim either.

When you see this card, remember that you do have choices, and you do have power. No matter how trapped you feel, you can find a way out if you believe it is possible. The young girl in the picture could free herself - she could wriggle free, tear off the blindfold, and kick down those swords. Solutions are not always easy, but they exist. Find your clarity of thought and purpose and use them to take that first step towards home.

Slander and humiliation, condemnation and imprisonment. My fate is sealed, Hades awaits me. I am Persephone, Greek goddess of the hereafter.

Are we being restricted by confusion, indecision, or a lack of confidence or vision? Do we have a victim mentality? Have we given away our personal power to someone? What am I avoiding? What can I do to take back my own power? What actions, plans, or ideas are being blocked by forces beyond your control? What would you like to do if you could get rid of the obstacles and blocks? Who or what could assist you to break free? What benefits do you receive by not acting? What is interfering with your creative expression or your ability to communicate?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Tower

Keywords & Phrases:
Collapse of a structure. A bolt from the blue. End of an old way of life. Necessary change. Modification. Disruption. A jolting insight. Eureka moment. A striking revelation. Major transformation. A crisis point. A surprise. Unavoidable change. Release from bondage. Structural flaws. The death of an illusion. Liberation. Breaking free. Shocking spiritual enlightenment. Purging. Rapid change. Darkness dispelled. An illuminating flash that sets you free. Shattering false beliefs. Enlightenment. Separating the chaff from the wheat. A moment of truth. The walls come tumbling down. False security. Shattered pride. Crisis. Downfall. Collapse of certainty, of habits, of confidence. Defenses that fail, walls that shatter, doors that are flung open. Freedom from ignorance. Breakthrough. Revelation. Breakdown of the old to herald the new. Learn to adapt and adjust quickly. Unexpected challenges. Suddenly seeing the truth of the matter. Dramatic upheaval. Sudden change.

The appearance of the Tower in a spread often heralds swift, shocking, and dramatic change. The usual structures of your life begin to crumble, and you must deal with the collapse of an old way of life. The upheaval associated with this card involves a moment of truth that forces you to rid yourself of false life structures and identify what you truly value. The structures imprisoning you must be shattered before you achieve enlightenment. The old order must dissolve to make way for the new. Unsound structures will come tumbling down.

Sudden and unexpected life changes form the core of the Tower's meaning. These changes seem to crash into your life out of nowhere. But if you're entirely honest with yourself about what you believe and the patterns you have set into motion in your life, you realize this card has appeared because of an inner urge to break free. The overthrow of existing conditions brings new opportunity and a fresh start.

Abrupt and unexpected though it may be, the change in one's life indicated by this card is often cleansing, cathartic, and liberating. It can be the proverbial kick in the butt we need to get us out of a bad or stagnant situation. Learn what we can from this change,  and see what order you can bring out of the resultant chaos. Hold on, persevere, and ride it out. Such experiences require faith and courage, but they can be very rewarding if we let them be.

When an important change is taking place, the only way to deal with the inevitable problems is to focus on the benefits that it will bring.

Things that were made one day are no longer. In as much as things can be trusted to time, it will devour them slowly and make them disappear. This is not a cause for anxiety, but of understanding the ephemeral, because everything vanishes; that does not mean it was in vein. The Fey closed in the tower watches the foundation of her house collapse and accepts that the world - today - is greater than her, and laughs.

Whatever happens can seem as if it is fated, that you are not responsible. But the Tower represents the structure you have built securely around yourself, your defense system, a crumbling old lighthouse warning danger. Sometimes locked within the many rooms of your lighthouse or tower are things that need throwing out, a de-clutter of emotions and feelings that no longer serve your current purpose.

The Tower's lightning strike is there to remind us that something needs to change. The inner world is just as unsafe as the outer and now is the time to be catapulted into awareness and be liberated from the old and worn out. This card asks you to welcome new challenges rather than avoid them. Rebuild from renewed strength and reach a new level of understanding about your self and your situation.

Sudden crises are life's way of telling you to wake up. How you respond to the Tower's change makes all the difference in how uncomfortable the experience will be. Recognize that the disruption occurred because it was needed. Perhaps embracing the change is too much to ask, but try to find the positive in it. You may have a burst of insight about your situation and reach a new level of understanding about it.

Self-importance, tyranny, and ignorance sparked the battle and caused many deaths. I am here to feed on their pain. I am Morrigan, Celtic goddess of war and destruction.

How are you improving and restructuring yourself and your environment? What are you angry about? What structures in your life are breaking up? What has shattered your complacency? What sudden realization have you had? Are you holding onto beliefs that complicate my situation?

Wheel of Fortune

Originally posted 3/22.

Keywords & Phrases:
Change. Cycles. The wheel turns. Movement. Fate. Destiny. Progress. New doors open. The ups-and-downs of fortune. The end of one phase & the beginning of another. New chapters. Lady luck. Karma. Improving circumstances. The wheel of life. Turning point. Something unexpected. Serendipity. Go with the flow. The circle of life. This too shall pass. Transformation. Moving onward. Evolution. Opportunity. Metamorphosis. Moving on. Cause and effect. Inevitability. Timing. Turning point. Personal vision. Uncovering patterns and cycles.

You are now entering a new cycle involving a fortunate set of circumstances that promise beneficial change and continuing progress. Forces in motion stimulate change and growth. Rapid changes offer new opportunities to improve your life. A chance circumstance may bring an end to past difficulties and herald a period of good fortune and success.

Our trials and tribulations, as well as our boons and good fortune, are all part of the greater cycle of life, and it also counsels us to deal with change through understanding, acceptance, and adaptation.

The Wheel of Fortune will turn and go and stop however it wishes. Although your actions power it, you can have no idea what really will come. So you may as well have fun while you're at it.

That which has will be again. The eternal cycles of life dominate our destiny.

Everything turns, time turns the reasons and the alternating fortunes of man. The wind turns and destiny turns, and everything is created and falls apart. Nothing in the material world is forever. But once the loss of things is accepted, then new things are born and change and evolution is accepted.

The Wheel of Fortune is all about luck and chance, but we can have good fortune and bad fortune - it is up to you to make choices that will lead to improving your sense of well-being or lifestyle. When you draw this card, the Wheel signifies that, even though you are part of the greater cycle or universal or collective energies, destiny is about taking responsibility for your actions rather than blaming those actions on "fate".

In readings, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate a vision or realization that strikes with great force. If you've been struggling with a problem or tough situation, this card can signal that you will find the answer if you stand back and view everything from a larger perspective. This card also represents unexpected encounters and twists of fate.

I am Arianrhod, Welsh goddess and lady of karma. Your destiny is my silver wheel that turns continuously, one moment in your favor, the next against you.

What life changes are you experiencing? How are you adapting to these changes? What effects are you feeling from circumstances you put in motion previously? Is there something you need to resolve? How are your horizons expanding? Are you prepared to go with the flow? Am I alerted to unexpected opportunities when they knock?

Four of Cups

Originally posted 3/23.

Keywords & Phrases:
Self-absorption. Emotional withdrawal. Ennui. Boredom. Melancholy. Apathy. Stuck in an emotional rut. Not being fulfilled. Misplaced blame. Discontent. Boredom. Social isolation. Reassessment. Reevaluation. Turning inward. Lost in thought. Distraction. Anticlimax. Something is missing. An empty feeling inside. Feeling jaded. Introversion. Looking within. Lack of motivation. The honeymoon is over. The grass is greener on the other side. Burnt out. Narcissism. Time out. Resignation. Waiting. Lack of stimulus. Satiety. Sleep. Restlessness. Dissatisfaction. Seeking after novelty. Loss of interest. Looking for what you already have. Meditation. Loneliness. Rest. Weariness. Aversion. Daydreams. Doubt. Hesitation. Introspection. Lack of relationship to oneself. Taking things personally. Self-questioning. Not seeing what is available. Lacking initiative. Passive.

Suffused with apathy, you don't recognize new opportunity when it's presented. You have a lot going for you, but are too full of discontent and self-pity to appreciate what you've got. You have choices but consider them to be without merit. It is time to reevaluate your relationships and life.

You may have withdrawn into yourself because of discontent with some aspect of your life. Everything seems stale and unsatisfying. This is a time of needed reassessment. The danger of this position is that you don't see the good that surrounds you. The novelty has worn off and you are contemplating new sources of stimulation. Don't rush, but rather take time to meditate and contemplate before proceeding.

The answers to the questions that trouble us most are often hidden very close to us or in our hearts.

This card demonstrates the contradictions between two aspects of man's nature. On the one hand, things have their intrinsic value and are a source of happiness. On the other hand, when there is no change things often become boring and dissatisfying. With emotions, like anything else, man looks for stimulus and not the perfect 'answer' to his needs.

This is a time when we close in on ourselves, put up the barriers, shut the curtains, retreat from the world and withhold feelings or even thoughts. This is when we are at our most introverted, and can - ironically - be hugely creative if we are conscious of our motivations for being so. The problem is, unless we see it as a chance for enlightenment, psychological insight or self-healing, we often lose the point and think only of our losses, see only our sorrows, and thus lose any chance of relating to ourselves.

When you draw this card, don't take everything personally. Don't feel you are the only one who hurts, the only one to blame, the only one who isn't loved. Your life may seem dull and uninteresting, you may feel washed along the shore and that you can't make an effort to do anything, feel anything or care for anyone else. This apathy suggests you are emotionally stuck, that right now you need to open your eyes and see what if offered to you; that soon will be able to focus on your goals and good feelings will return if you make the effort. Take time to reflect, but do so in a positive way. Knowing what you want is the first step toward getting it, so examine, evaluate, and don't fear your widening vision.

The Four of Cups can represent a positive period of self-reflection and renewal. By taking the time to go within to dream, muse, and reflect, you restore your emotional balance. The card can also be a sign of apathy. You don't really care much about anything. Your life seems stale and flat because you've lost interest in the activities that used to bring you pleasure. You're not motivated to make much of an effort in any direction. At such times, the card can show you that you're emotionally stuck. Open yourself to your surroundings - soon you will be on your way again.

My name is Pandora and Greece is my land. I possess the greatest riches but I am not happy. Boredom, monotony, and dissatisfaction oppress me.

What am I feeling? How can I be more realistic in my expectations of myself and others? Do I already have what I'm looking for? How do I feel dissatisfied? Where do I go to find peace and serenity? How is this time of withdrawal and contemplation benefiting you? What are you re-evaluating in your life and relationships? What are you fantasizing about and what can you do to realize your fantasies?