Friday, April 15, 2011

Nine of Cups

Keywords & Phrases: 
Wish fulfillment. Overindulgence. Emotional satisfaction. Enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Smugly content. Pleased with what you have achieved. Self-indulgence. Counting your blessings. Satisfaction. Over-abundance. Desires fulfilled. Enjoyment. Contentment. Comforts. Plenty. Smugness. Indulgence. Visualizing what you want. Appetites gratified.

Traditionally, this card was known as the "wish card". Your wish will now come true! But take care that you accept the responsibility of that wish and know what you really want. We often think we want something or someone and then live to regret it afterward. But generally this card is very beneficial, giving you the chance to take pride in your achievements, to be glad for what you are doing. Caution is required that you don't bask so much in your own success that you close yourself off to others.

As opposed to the Four of Cups, where fullness lead to boredom because it did not have to be worked for and was not merited, the happiness shown in this card is of a much more profound kind. It is still a happiness linked to oneself, to the fact that one has given and received with fullness and abandon. The well-being that is born from this sensation has no shadows, even if it disappears quickly.

When the Nine of Cups appears, you will get what you desire. It is a card of satisfaction and contentment, sometimes even smugness and overindulgence. The appearance of this nine can signal the end of a major phase of a project and the need to take a well-deserved holiday before proceeding.

Traditionally, this card is referred to as the Wish Card. It depicts contentment and satisfaction with what we have, and basking in the glow of achievement. It is important to remember, however, that these emotions depend on an appreciation of what we have. The man in the Nine of Cups also bears a tinge of smugness, and so this card can serve as a warning against self-satisfaction. Sometimes this card reminds us of an ironic curse: "May all your wishes come true." In that case, it may be an admonishment to be sure we know what we really want, to be prepared for it, since we may well get it.

Blare the trumpets and raise the banners. Raise glasses and toast me. I am Nike, the Greek winged goddess. I announce glory, victory, success and achievement.

Even when buried by our feelings, we may still raise our eyes and our hands towards our goal, our hope, our inspiration.

We do not always recognize good luck, which sometimes arrives when we are unable to appreciate it.

How might I use my talents in more meaningful ways? What satisfies me? How have your wishes been fulfilled? What pleasures are being experienced? What do you feel smug about? What do you want to manifest in your life? Can you visualize it in detail?

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